
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 23:03:37
确定函数y=x+(1/x)的单调区间,并用定义证明(x>0) 已知函数f(x)的定义在(负无穷,正无穷)上的奇函数,当X属于(负无穷,0)时,F(X)=x-x的四次方,则当x>0,F(x)=? 最早的计算工具是:() 请给个答案!A、电子计算机B、机械式计算机C、对数计算尺D、算盘 在14世纪发明的计算工具是什么 人类最早的计算工具 如图,如果∠ADC=87°,那么∠A、∠B、∠C三个角的和为多少度, 怎么运用换元法解答数学问题 √(x2+2)/x+√x/(x2+2)=5,只知道令第一个根式为y,后面x求不出 No man is born ( ), we need to learn to become ( )A wise wise B wisely wise 已知定义在R上的函数f(x)=(-2的x次方+1)/(2的x次方+a)是奇函数 (1)求a的值 (2)若对任意的t属于R,不等式f(t²-2t)+f(2t²-k)<0恒成立,求k的取值范围 How many phyla make up a majority of the animal kingdom?回答不限语言~ 英语“the skirt made up for feathers of many 10.About how many elements ____make up most of the substances we meet in everyday life?About how many elements ____make up most of the substances we meet in everyday life? is that is it it which用which,还是用that是怎 三个连续奇数的和为15,设中间一个为x,则可列方程为 i was born_____,1982 A.on June 2 B.on june 2rd C.ON june two Jim's brother born on june 2nd,1997 改错 I was born june 2nd 1992 还是 I was born 2nd june 1992 还是I was born on 2nd june 1992 我搞糊涂了 这几个 帮我弄个最地道 的说法 有甲乙两个班甲班人数占两个班总人数的九分之四.如果甲班与乙班人数的比是(),甲班比乙班人数少.()%,乙班比甲班多两个班总人数的(),如果甲班比乙班人数少八人那么两个班共有( ①7/13÷7+1/7*6/13②7/11*1/7*10/7*7/11 (111+999)÷【56×(7分之3-8分之3)】1又4分之1-20分之9+30分之11-42分之13+99995分之4 What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education? I want to touch your the country of your mind Remember to make your bed.(同义句) _____ _____ to make your bed. What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?不是要翻译,是你的回答用英语 thanks he__(born) disabled填空 he was born 分析英语句子分析一下这个句子为什么不能直接用 he born 不是一个主语 一个谓语 复合句子结构 非要加个was 那么was后不是加doing 一张卡片上写一个四位数,陈老师给同学们看的时候拿倒了,看上去还是一个四位数,原来是几?后来的四位数比原来的四位数小6993. 比较下列两个代数式的大小:x^2+x和3x-2 举的含义 请举个科学的定义的例子 让别人握着你的手指,每握其中一个代表着什么含义? 设向量a=(1,0),b=(cosθ,sinθ),其中0≤θ≤π,则|a+b|的最大值是