
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/18 02:45:54
袁世凯为何上书慈禧太后,废除科举制? personality and success 求初二英语作文honest and success 北半球看风水的八卦方位和南半球一样吗?请不要跟我说没用,或者简单一句“倒过来”;不知道的网友请勿回答. 张之洞与康梁的不同变法主张 word 小标题 正方形黑点,怎么去掉啊 洋务派的变法主张具体体现在法律制度上,以张之洞“采____以补____之不足”的思想为代表 潋字怎么读? 形容人坏心眼的词,我记得有个“yan”儿坏,但是这个字貌似一直读错了,和yan瘪应该是同一个字 《水浒传》的四位打虎英雄的故事,简略 A点对应的数为-20,B点对应的数是80(1)现有一只昆虫P从B点出发,以4单位每秒的速度向左运动,同时另一只昆虫Q从A点出发,以6个单位每秒的速度向右运动,若两只昆虫在数轴上的C点相遇,求出C点 关于doubt我在字典里查了doubt有及物动词的意思 但是发现几乎没有doubt sb/sth之类的句子 而一般都是doubt about 那么doubt直接加sb/sth可以吗 关于doubt的选择John's clothes and hands were always dirty.Everytime people saw him,they would___if he had just come out of a factory.A.wonder B.doubt(为什么选wonder?) doubt翻译 点A、B、O分别以5个单位/s,2单位/s,1单位/s的速度向右移运动,几秒后,o点恰好成为线段中点?A=1 B=-3 0=0 The spacecraft is spinning out of orbit请翻译 有关hobby的英语对话 对话时间要三分钟左右的 Newton proved that it is ______ the moon is pulled out of a straight path and kept in orbit.A.by the force of gravityB.by the force of gravity whichC.by the force of gravity thatD.by the force of gravity with which A cake,Ben?(答句) 英语翻译Probably every one man like all the two women had at least two.Married to a red rose,over time,changes in the red touch of mosquito blood on the wall,white or "out the window the moonlight"; married to a white rose,white grain of rice is Among them will be Debbie's mother,Who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.这句话主要意思是:黛比的妈妈还是个姑娘时,黛比的妈妈也曾横渡英吉利海峡.所以我觉得这里的 herself 放错地方了.应该改成 post+it+notes是什么意思 The g___ have long necks.Mary poeple want to see them.求这句话的填空↖(^ω^)↗谢谢 骆驼背上大驼峰帮助他们储存水分,以备漫长的穿越沙漠旅行The great big humps on the camels's back help them ____water for our long trips ____ the desert. The ambassador personally _____the president's message to the premier.A:showed B:told C:conveyed D:sent 焊件较厚时,为什么要开剖口? 上述解题过程,1.从哪一步开始出现错误?请写出该部的代号:____.2.错误的原因 3.写出正确的解题过程:2/1 +(-3/2)-(-4/5)+(-2/1)-(+3/1)解:2/1 +(-3/2)-(-4/5)+(-2/1)-(+3/1)=2/1 - 3/2 + 4 题目如图所示.我的解题步骤哪一步错了?为什么答案是≥4? 计算:(2+1)(2^2+1)(2^4+1)...(2^n+1) 咋么得出来下面的第一步(2-1)(2+1)...? 要求给解题过程 post怎么读 这个为什么不用定冠词?What can you see in___picture B?A.a B. an C. the D/答案是D,为什么不用特指? 别人的滋味 LE GOUT DES AUTRES怎么样