
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 16:18:57
We could get more mileage out of ten dollars then ten Hail Marys? 没有英语语法基础,怎么样自学学好英语语法和英语,如果有书的话推荐下或者其他什么的.我只会音标,单词可以天天记,就是自学看不懂英语语法,如果有书的话最好,我现在在学英语新概念,听 The ___men ate raw meat millions of years ago.(older,early) so that,such that,too to的区别 求解这句话They were echoed in the rest of Latin America,and beyond it.the eco上讲卡斯特罗的一篇文章中的一句,我卡这儿了, 军歌 这是一个晴朗的早晨歌哨伴随起床号音 但是这世界并不安 求歌名字 猜歌名 是文这样的:这是一个晴朗的早晨;但是这世界并不安宁; 和平年代的英雄有哪些 傲立雨中的那棵树读后感题目,在大致说一下怎么写,小的求求各位大侠了,555 谁能告诉我些职业的英文单词好的可以加分 He almost wished there were no weekends.什么翻译 kang bai lian的英文名应该怎么简化好呢? There is a { )near my home .Mtmother and I go there on weekends. "伯努力"的伯是应该读bo还是 bai?英文名怎么读? 学英语的秘诀? 学英语的窍门在哪里? what other words do you know that mean the same as"beautiful"?what do you think makes a perfact woman‘s/ man's face? what do the words‘home town ’mean?这句是什么意思 改变不了世界,那就试着改变自己 这句话用英文怎么写 The students have ___ homework to do.many much most any Belgian students have m___ freedom.Teachers w___ ask us to do a lot of homework.The school in Hong Kong is g___.I have lots of friends and everyone is h___.Here are photos to prove it!完型.- - His words remind me ___ we did together during the holidayA that B of that Cwhat D of waht为什么不是选B呢 His words reminded me of what we did last year.不是有remind+从句吗?为什么还要加“of”? Are you in the room There are ( )(三袋苹果)in the room. 用适当形式填空.We like___(chocolat). I like (butterfly).适当形式填空I like (butterfly).适当形式填空 Tom ( )(like)eggs适当形式填空 like ,good ,fun 用适当形式填空Sam got many gifts at the party ,but he said he liked my gift ______.It was a money-box that looked ______ a duck and the duck had a hat on its head.Do you think it is something ______ In the south of China,there grow many banana trees.这里的there grow 是什么用法? More trees ___(should plant) in China. 我是2012考生,请问张培基的《英汉翻译教程》是不是得全通一遍,里面的生词和例句用不用全背下来?