
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 04:24:50
1.平山菜场去年原计划种菜20公顷,实际种菜25公顷.(1)实际种菜的公顷数是原计划的百分之几?(2)计划种菜的公顷数是实际的百分之几?(3)实际种菜的公顷数比原计划多百分之几?(4)计 五句夸张句 They have been to Beijing for two days.变否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句.要正确率高的, They have been here for two days.(改为同义句)They _____ here two days _____. 学会做自己的主人 怎么学会做自己的主人让自己不在乎别人的看法,完全活在自己的世界里 It’s usually the case that people seldom behave in a( )way when in a furious state.A.stableB.rationalC.legalD.credible 17.It’s usually the ____ that people seldom behave in a rational way when in a furious state.A.affair B.incident C.case D.event thing that people like to do.是什么意思 2个夸张句,快! 阳台山林场有2.4公顷精品茶园.今年平均每公顷产量特等茶20吨,比去年增加两成.这个林场去年收特等茶叶多少吨 1.My father is in his early fifties and he has_____.A.some white hair B.a few white hairs C.much white hair D.alittle white hair2.In the countryside the peasants used tospend ­­______money building their own houses.A,many B,a few C,a great de 各领风骚什么意思 I'M going to (see my aunt off)tomorrow afternoon.打括号的中文含义KUAI KUAI KUAI 根据诗文写节日,根据诗文写节日:例:千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符.(春节) 1.去年元夜时,花市灯如昼.( ) 2.中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花.( ) 3.故岁今宵尽,新年明日来.( ) 4. 数学读书节的作文怎么写?急…… 凤毛麟角比喻什么 凤毛麟角比喻的是什么动物 “猴子捞月”中猴子能否捞到月亮,并简要的作出说明 “各领风骚几十载”前面那句是什么?武侠小说里面的词,呵呵 He's time for Meimei and ____to workAI going BI to go Cme going Dme to go 答案是选D, 描写你眼中的夏天,不要太长了.一定要有点文艺的感觉, pain is 调整 (1) of,kinds,English,food,he,many,likes.(2) of,about,orange,what,a,jiuice,glass. 请编写语句完成下列任务1.计算三个数的乘积2.强调显示变量声明3使用Print方法在窗体上输出如下文本:Print Text to The Windows4.计算x、y、z三个数的均值,以整数形式赋值给Long变量Result5.定义x、y 瞎写句话,完成任务 1.Our classroom is on ____third floor.Let's go into____classroom.A.a; the B.a; a C.the; theD.the; a 如何关心盲童 莉莉善于与老人相处英语 Lily ()()()old people the pain is gone与the pain is away区别 求一些对于月份的词语描述,如阳春三月、金秋十月这种格式的 描写金秋十月的句子