
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 15:34:16
纸箱边压换算客户要求是7KN/M2,我们仪器测出来是61Kgf/152mm,7KN/M2换算成Kgf/152mm是多少啊怎么换算的?边压强度(Ect) 1(kgf/cm)=98.0665)(N/m)=5.60(Idf/in)kgf/152mm说错了,那是原纸环压单位,我测的边压是BC楞, 纸板边压/纸张环压试验时有哪些的注意事项?急! 中译英~4句,我一共才50分,所以全部奉献,括号里的词必用宁静的乡村生活对我很有吸引力(appeal to)好好休息,你会很快康复的(and)英语我越学越感兴趣(The more..)他犹豫了很久,才做出决定(before) what kind of 后面接单数还是复数啊何时用单何时用复 土地开发强度中有哪些指标,各个指标的计算公式是什么 试写出比较相对指标、比例相对指标、结构相对指标和强度相对指标的表达式 纸板戳穿强度计算公式是什么?请问哪位高人指点纸板戳穿强度的计算原理是什么,为什么后面的单位是焦而不是牛? 《观第五泄记》中表达依依不舍的诗句 这种情况动词要不要加ing?比如问一个问题,你的职责是什么?回答如:keep contact with others,还是 keeping contact with others?还比如问你在课外活动中做了什么?是回答:join some activities 还是 joining some a The girl asked to see a timetable, feeling sure that her father could not have made such a mistake请问 sure 在句中是做副词吧?修饰后半句 If beautiful is a mistake,i'd rather make mistake The girl is so beautiful that everybody likes her的like为什么加s the girl made beautiful kite yesterday 改为否定句 汽车运输公司要送800吨救灾物资支援灾区,用12辆汽车运送了这批物资的百分之25,照这样计算,一一次运完这一次运完这些物资需要多少辆汽车? 计划首批用某运输公司的20辆汽车运送200吨上述三种物资到地震灾区,每辆车只能装运(具体过程!)计划首批用某运输公司的20辆汽车运送200吨上述三种物资到地震灾区,每辆车只能装运同一种 小轿车托运,深圳汽车运输公司哪家物流可以推荐?哪家货运公司好?小轿车托运,汽车运输公司哪家物流可以推荐?哪家货运公司好?深圳轿车托运|深圳轿车运输|深圳小轿车托运|深圳小轿车运输| What kind of noodles would you like?——A.Mutton and tomatoes noodles.B.Mutton and tomato noodles.C.Muttons and tomatoes noodlesD.Muttons and tomato noodles.. “What kind of noodles would you like?”中如果要表示“哪几种面”是不是kind要加s?为什么课本上的没加s? what kind of noodles would you like some?还是what kind of noodles would you like为什么 What kind of ( )would you like,noodles or dumplings? 这个不是蜻蜓吧?这是什么昆虫? 运往灾区的两批货物,第一批共480吨,用8节火车厢和20辆汽车正好装完;第二批共运524吨,用10节火车厢和6 运往灾区的两批货物,第一批共480吨,用8节火车车厢和20辆汽车正好装完;第二批共还524吨,用10节火车车厢和6辆汽车正好装完,求每节火车车厢和每辆汽车平均各装多少吨? Look,the little girl ------(wait)for her mother -------(take)her home 根据记录员记录:运往灾区的两批货物,第一批共480吨,用8节火车车厢和20辆汽车正好装完;第二批共.根据记录员记录:运往灾区的两批货物,第一批共480吨,用8节火车车厢和20辆汽车正好装完 The girl is in the classroom.You are looking for her.怎么变定语从句 what kind of noodles would he likes?哪错了 Do you like noodles or dumpling?Fishes is a kind of healthy food. The girl would like a medium bowl of noodles.划线提问(medium)___ ____ bowl of noodles would the girl like?一楼的好像不理解题意,看不清?划线提问这个单词. what( kind )of noodles would you like?还是 what( kinds )of noodles would you like? The little girl seemed quite satisfied,she was looking at her mother with a smile _______a film star,the little girl asked her mother if she looked beautiful______a film star,the little girl asked her mother if she looked beautifulA.Dreesed as B.Wearing like 甲仓库有粮食90吨,仓库有粮食70吨,从甲仓库取出多少吨给乙仓库,能使甲,乙仓库粮食吨数之比是7:不要方程,写单位,写得数.写错了,应该是写算式