
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 20:56:55
this kind of milk powder is for three -month-old b------ 谁能告诉我怎么学英语,先该怎么做? should have done 用法中的have可以省略吗?完整的题目是:John repeated his suggestion that the meeting____ .A.to be put offB.be put offC.been put offD.being put off这题应该选什么呢?为什么?have真的可以省略?为什么啊 描写婴儿的哭声的句子 是句子想小说里面的也行~ boxing day Boxing happy boxing day中文意思 六级听力最后那3个长句子只写出零散的词有分么?只是零散的单词或者半句话之类的有分拿么? 魔方三层法第三层十字拼完往下怎么拼用上下左右,顺逆时针说 描写婴儿出世的句子拜托啦多一些婴儿的描写 when you growing up有语病吗Girl ,it hurts ,when you growing up,but you,should take it,like a hero. 什么是澳洲 boxing day 英语翻译When I was a teenager growing up in France,I wanted to leave school and have my own life .The only way I could ___do___ this was to work in the local paper factory in my town ,or get married .I was very nervous when I told my ___father___ 请问BOXING DAY是哪天拜托各位了 3Q去年是7月中旬的一个周末,今年是哪天了, 急求when I was growing up通俗又明了的翻译! boxing day到底合不合适我刚来温哥华 问题有几下几点:1.boxing day打折是只有一天么?还是后面几天继续打折2.metrotown里有卖电脑散热架的么3.metrotown会出现分流制么?就是规定这些人进去买东 莫扎特的英语名字怎么念?能给我音标吗 用英文帮我介绍一下莫扎特的一生.我是初二的所以英语不要太难哦 中国的莫扎特用英语说人们叫他是中国的莫扎特 打雪仗的作文450字 已知△abc中为等边三角形.若点M是BC上的一点,且BM=CN.(1)若点M是BC上的一点,点N是CA上一点,且BM=CN,BM交AM交与点O,如图所示,求角BQM的度数.(2)若点M是BC延长线上的一点,点N是CA延长线上的一点, 在边长为12的等边三角形ABC中,AD为BC边上中线,M是AD上的动点,已知从A点移动到M点速度为2,从M点移动到B点速度为1,求从A到M点,再从M到B点的最小时间如图,最好有过程 已知:△ABC为等边三角形,M是BC延长线上一点,直角三角尺的一条直角边经过点A,且60°角的顶点E在BC上滑动(点E不与点B,C重合),三角尺斜边与∠ACM的平分线CF交于点F.(1)如图一,当点E是BC中点 一道英语单选题:_________on the road,the car was stopped._________on the road,the car was stopped.A.After seeing a stone B.The driver seeing a stoneC.Having seen a stone D.To see a stone 加拿大BOXING DAY打折力度是多少?想买一双雪地靴啊,就BOXING D那一天打折吗?还是之后的一个礼拜.还是圣诞之前? he was __ on january 12th如题 (1/2)填四个空格:My brother is so young that he can't look after himself.My br 打雪仗加情景交融的作文300字 When LiMing got to America ,he found his English was quite different __ he had learned in China.A.from which B.of that C.from what D.from the one When it's______in China,it's summer in America He goes to study in America when he is nineteen的同义句He goes to study in America ____ ___ ___ ___ nineteen When the first settlers came to North America they had to ___ the forest and found a way out..A.cut off B.cut down C.cut through D.cut out