
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 08:26:54
已知点A(-3,y1)、B(1,y2)在直线y=-x+b上.(1)比较y1和y2的大小(2)若另有一个正比例函数的图象过点B,设在这个正比例函数的图象上有两点(x1,y1)、(x2,y2),试比较x1与x2的大小 英语翻译 英语翻译 请译出来 英语翻译 分别翻译出来!谢谢 我什么现在在市场上买的桃子是酸的,水蜜桃是甜的啊,3Q我在市场和水果店买的都是酸的, 这是一张建筑的照片.请大虾们根据这样图帮我写几句话.关于和谐化设计的. 当你得到了你想要的东西而失去的是什么?无 别人说记忆是存在的,我要问的是科学家是通过什么手段或方法得出“外界信息通过五大感觉器官进入大脑,在的表皮留下印痕,经过在提取来完成这记忆过程的”的结论?因为只有明白这个结论 英语翻译1.At least 300 people died and many others were buried under the debris after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit northwest China's Qinghai Province early Wednesday.2.Stunning models at motor show in Thailand3.Nuclear Security Summit ends with 谁能帮我翻译出来?I don't know is true feelings for you, are you tired? I think you already tired, has been completely put down, I am still me, just outside changed, changed tone, become overbearing. Still love me? I can't think of love, right 商品短缺是由价格上限还是由价格下限引起的?商品过剩呢? 英语翻译 关于廉政的格言 英语翻译In the new year,the United States CIA discovered a secret in china.There is always a dressed in green uniforms in secret army training between July and September,but they do not know the origin of the army,they appointed China in secret t 英语翻译Thank you for not forgive.You use the same way hurt me.We just a pair of dou hurt animals.Our end just so.A so the girl who loves you,until now,for your light coldly you never wondered why?You're right.We will be in each other's world dis “姬姓”到底是什么意思吖?先说明不是姓姬的噢!分封制中说到的姬姓分封,是什么呢.希望你们能用自己的话简单概括一下! 求意境悲凉的成语和意思 骄傲二字用甲骨文怎么写 "骄傲"有几种解释?快,我很急 骄傲怎么解释? [男人都愿意做风筝 只要线还在我手里 放心的飞去吧] 求翻译成英文 急.亲爱的朋友们 昨天晚上中央二台的开学第一堂的观后感怎么写?昨天晚上6点55分到8点55分中央二台的开学第一堂的观后感怎么写? 2010年9月1日中央二台开学第一天的观后感!(明天就要交了,开学第一课的观后感! 9月1号中央二台的开学第一堂课的观后感怎么写? 海豚浏览器公司怎么样?海豚浏览器公司坏境以及待遇怎么样?想多了解下这家公司的状况,对海豚浏览器这家公司了解比较多的朋友不妨说说你的看法, I like watching the dolphin__in the water. 怎么提高自己的语文能力 骄傲地解释 骄傲的解释 英语翻译Who was to be the EPSCoR entrepreneur was not obvious,but what the EPSCoR entrepreneur had to do in order to be effective was clear from the start—he or she had to build a coalition of at least four parties (two levels of government,