
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 13:36:25
读书,使人怎样,怎样.爱读书,是一种美德。世界上有大成就的人,对人类有特殊贡献的人,几乎都是爱读书的人。读书,使人思维活跃,聪颖智慧;读书,___________,_________;读书,__________ “德语”用德语单词怎么拼 5分之三乘三,和三乘五分之三,分别意义是什么?急!求帮帮忙! 仿写:读书,使人思维活跃,聪颖智慧必须以“读书”开头,字数、格式一样.两句以上. 仿照例句造句:读书使人思维活跃,聪颖智慧.读书使人——————,——————. 通过事例说明“读书使人聪明”的观点. 一团绳子长10米,捆扎一种礼品盒.如果接头处的绳子长25厘米,这团绳子最多可以捆扎几盒?还剩多少米我忘弄了。礼品盒的长为30厘米,宽为20厘米,高为15厘米 what day is it today?it is____ A.monday B.sunday C.saturday 为什么? 关于修改一篇英语文章,包括语法,拼写,语句通顺与否,句子长短,就用改作文的态度改具体文章如下What does article tell you?I think it mainly tell me about African how to use the Shanghai Expo to express their country . 求救英语强人 给改下英语短文!语法拼写等格式An Unforgettable EventIt happened many years ago,when I was thirteen years old.It was a sunny day,and i walk along the road,in front of me,is a crossroad.a women who is a mother,riding a b what day is it today today is MONday .用what day is it today today is MONday .用过去式仿写 一根绳子长10米,捆扎一种长方体礼品盒,如果接头处绳子长25厘米 ,那么这个绳子最多可捆扎几个礼品盒?还剩多少米?礼品盒长40厘米 宽20厘米 英语翻译thanks for you ,thanks to you!然后谁给我讲个感恩节最好的祝福语.要简洁(英语).1l你理解错了,我的意思是先翻译第一句(英译汉),再帮我想几句祝福的话 中译英 easy一天,凯特在超市发现一个男孩在哭.她上去问他出了什么事.男孩说他迷路了,回不了家.凯特准备去带他.她带着小男孩找了好长时间发现了他的家.小男孩看见爸妈非常高兴.他爸妈对 请大家帮我看看这篇英语文章有没有什么语法或拼写的错误,也提些意见.I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I trying to find you and looking forward to your return.My mother.Since I 汉译英 so easy写下花钱买接受邀请避免吃油腻食物 “如果我犯了什么语法和拼写错误请指出来” 用英语怎么说? 汉译英~2句~so easy···用take off和take down造句飞机上午六点半从机场起飞请把那个热杯子从钢琴上拿开 谁帮我看一下这篇文章有没有语法或拼写错误My plan for Winter VacationThe winter vacation is coming.All the children will be glad when the winter vacation is here.But how can I make my holiday fun and useful?This is my plan for my wi 英文高手帮我检查下我的小作文的语法及拼写错误嘛,可适当修改,适当增删Now a days,more and more adults choose continuing education to improve themselves in professional level and ability.And there are also many young men go What day is it today?______________补全对话 明天要给老师的!what day is it today It is ____ (dsnyau) 根据提示完成对话根据提示完成对话what day is it today It is ____ (dsnyau) How many___ (Incsdae) are there on the cake?There are three.Do you like my ____(ernspte)?Yes,i d 检查这篇英语作文有何语法拼写错误I will spend my summer holiday in Beijing.It is the capital city of china.There are a lot of famous and interesting places.The most famous place is the great wall.It is very beautiful.I want to climb up 检查这篇英语作文有何语法拼写错误 急 Yuan long ping is a great scientist.He was born in September 7th 1930 in Beijing .he studied in Southwest Agricultural College when he was young.He worked very hard.When he was at school.In 1973,He 检查这篇英语作文有何语法拼写错误 Yesterday I went to see a movie with my friend.The film is .A man had changed into a bear.Because he killed too many bears.However,He hated bears.Then he lived with a little bear.They help each other.I 自己写英语作文怎么才能检查语法上的错误?自己英语水平有限, 检查这篇英语作文.(语法,单词拼写,标点符号等错误) 4/5=4+16/5乘( )=( ) 16乘2.5乘2又2分之1 22°16″乘5=? 假如还有一分钟世界就要毁灭,你会做什么? 我要毁灭这个世界如果我不能成为拯救这个世界的天使,那么就让我成为毁灭这个世界的恶魔吧!前者的努力已经失败感情,泪水,怜悯只是变成了别人的笑柄我的心中不会再有丝毫的恻隐之心剩