
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 14:25:55
纲结构螺栓孔的间距,中心间距的外排的具体解释,比如说我最外面的有7个孔,就有6个间距了,都算外排中距,还是首尾的算,中间的4个算内排的? 目前人类最高年龄是多少?我们要珍惜生命,生命只有一次,大家要好好珍惜. 情态动词时态动词情态动词为什么动词不+s,如i mcan't go to bed事态动词为什么动词加s,i has a cold 一关于倒装的单选 要解析__________ the ability to fight against disease ,but also helps us build our body.A not only does Vitamin C provideB Vitamin C not only provides 春夜洛城闻笛表达了作者怎样的情怀? school的同类词 school的同类词四个 谁能帮我把这张图给p一下啊!能帮我p成像下面这张图一样大小么 求:有一首歌,有两句歌词:(1)i can understand (2)i can feel your hobby歌词也有可能是谐音.还有,是一个女生唱的,给一个歌名顺便也给个歌手名啊!而且是一首抒情歌 RICHMOND UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER怎么样 Pharmacy College跟Medical College区别呢 ach medical center是什么意思是医院的名称,怎么翻译呢? You can buy food,fruit and school things there.it's a( ) weaken to 和black out 的含义Typhoon Saomai,the strongest storm to strike China in 50 years,weakened to a tropical depression on Friday as it moved inland after killing at least 104 people,blacking out cities and wrecking more than 50,000 houses 今年考四级口语证四级得多少分,我考了579,查出来是216,204,59,100.我不知道这个证有用没,然后复习的时候应该注意什么,我打算六月份考六级,之后再准备BET.所以请给一下建议,应该怎么办,很矛 But when my sight began to return,I was able to make out a big black shape looming d...But when my sight began to return,I was able to make out a big black shape looming directly over me.My stomach flopped for a painful moment. 我不知道啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 我不知道啊啊啊不知道,就是赚财富值 我不知道啊啊啊啊 settlement 用蘸怎么造句? human settlement是什么意思 杨修之死中 曹虽称美,心甚忌之 美的意思 求欧美歌,只知道这几句歌词,到底是哪首歌This is for my baby.It time I never thought i…(这句仿佛是有语病的.但我现在也不知道原句是什么.来不及记了)Hey girlI just want let you knowAll my world can never le corn复数能加s变成corns吗 听到一首歌,只知道大概的两句歌词,大约歌词中有:一次一次和你说分手,其实是想你挽留,.大概歌词差不多是这样的.女生唱的,女生名字是两个字名字歌名6,7个字这样吧,怎么也想不起来了 如何提高一年级语文认识 小学一年级语文课本中什么在操场上什么 请问:corn 有复数形式吗? 有三个单词:bring、take、carry,填空:It ( ) Vivian half an hour to water the flowers.三个单词中选一个填入 with复合结构的选择题With the house price_ ,the young couple decided not to buy a house at the moment.A.gone upB.going upC.being gone up我觉得是C,房价是持续的,被动上涨,可是答案是B,为什么 关于这个with 的复合结构的选择题:The drinking water in the village is heavily polluted by the chemical works nearby.and with fresh and clean water____,the locals appeal to the media.A.supplied B.to be supplied,C.supplying D.being suppli