
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 23:02:17
She name is Sandra she is name is jang对吗 what a big. 这句话啥意思 Do you like big booty girls with big tits?lol seriously cuz thats what i am/have..Is What a big What a big baiioon!快 Would you like to come (7)____to my house (8)___Mid-autumn Festival? 拿破仑为了巩固资产阶级革命成果颁布的是《法典》还是《拿破仑法典》《法典》包括《民法典》(又称拿破仑法典)、《商法典》《刑法典》顺便再说一下为什么 拿破仑在巩固法国资产阶级统治的作用? (1)拿破仑是在法国大革命危难时刻力挽狂澜的,说一说拿破仑采取了哪些措施巩固并扩大了法国大革命的成果(2)请你对拿破仑进行简短的评价,刻画你心目中的拿破仑形象!(希望能快点 从拿破仑统治到1848年革命,德国这段历史称为什么时期? Thursday的音标怎么写? paper chint的音标是什么? Will you make a model plane forWill you make a model plane for her?改为同义句 尼日利亚地理位置及国内政治和经济情况如何 etc英文缩写是不是等等的意思.如果是的话,完整单词是怎样的?CF的英文缩写是比较的意思,完整单词是怎 how many people will be with you 还是,how many people will with you? 蒙古南侵宋朝的时候有多少军队,满清南侵明朝的时候有多少军队波斯大流士鼎盛时期有多少军队,当时的中国呢?如果没有喜马拉雅,中国打得过烜赫一时的波斯大军么 Long time no see,how are you now? long time no see how are you?中文何解 . He ,our headmaster,was ___ pleased with our work.A:such B:even C:much D:greatly.选什么! Dark___it was,we went on with our workA:althoughB:thoughC:ifD:as though选哪个?为什么? 定语从句中先行词还原到从句中做什么成分时,选什么关系词?一般的定语从句联系就是选择题,对吧,但是在选择连接词的时候要根据先行词还原到从句中做什么成分再选择连接词,这我是知道 Both the girl and her dog ____ were crossing the street were hit by a coming car.A.which B.who C.they D.that请解释如何选择... while walking walking the dog ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car "超速驾驶"用英语怎么说? While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.这里walking是现在分词做伴随状语吗?用现在分词做伴随状语需要什么条件吗?而且补全时为什么要用you are 而不是 you were while walking walking the dog ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car为什么要用 while (you are )walking walking the dog 而不是you were,不要讲的太抽象.什么一般情况,特殊情况的,听不懂, while you were walking walking the dog ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car如上题 是不是在 主从句主语一致 和 主语和动词是主动关系时 就可把you were省略 古诗的一句指的是一个逗号一句还是句号一句比如春 晓[唐] 孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟.夜来风雨声,花落知多少.是“春眠不觉晓”为一句还是“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟.”为一句 现在书中的古诗文的逗号算一句话还是句号算一句话 古诗中是以逗号为一句还是以句号为一句?颔联指哪一句? 还有其他有关古诗的句子位置的专有名称是?