
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/18 00:13:27
外公 爸爸 叔叔 弟弟 哥哥 伯伯是什么顺序的?按顺序是什么? 按一定顺序排列下面的词语:伯父 爷爷 弟弟 哥哥 爸爸 《小海蒂》里的人物分析给我写一下小海蒂这个人的任务分析和克拉拉的人物分析.非常非常的感谢.而且是一段话!50字左右! My father's telephone number is 88012021.怎么改否定句!是is后面加个not吗? 一楼的你确定! my father's telephone number is (7780016)对括号部分提问 若函数f(x)满足f(n的2次方)=f(n)+2,且n大于等于2,f(2)=1,则f(16)=? 已知x的N次方等于4,则x的3n次方等于多少 求语文阅读三个鸡蛋阅读答案.1有个财主,在城里开了个饭馆.有一回,阿凡提在这家饭馆里吃了3个煮熟的鸡蛋,临走,一摸口袋,身上忘了带钱.阿凡提只好向财主赔不是,担保下次经过这里,一定送 一个叫迈克的鸡蛋 1.文章的经过2.根据你的了解解释文中用1句而不用2句的原因(1)①大约从四岁开始马克西疯狂地爱上了鸡蛋——不是吃而是玩②大约从四岁开始马克西疯狂的爱上了玩鸡 my telephone number is 546-0989(变成否定句) 若f(x)=a的x次方,a>1的定义域和值域都是[m,n]求a的取值范围 My telephone number is 1390697756.否定 疑问 回答 her telephone number is 改为否定句 12345五个数字不重复排列万位小于千位,千位大于百位,百位小于十位,十位大于个位.共有几个?位 把Bill's telephone number is 278-0954.改成否定句! 1233 1234 12345 12346 123467 123468 1234689 找规律.我快疯了 有一个三位数,它的十位上的数字是百位上数字的3倍,个位数字是百位上数字的4倍,设这个三位数个位上的数字是a,试用关于a的最简代数式表示这个三位数,并写出所有满足这个条件的三位数 求求个位大神 记叙文阅读《两个鸡蛋》的答案 1.已知函数y=f(x)在定义域(-1,1)上是增函数,且f(1-a)>f(3a-1),则a的取值范围是____2.已知f(x)为R上的减函数,则满足f(|1/x|)>f(1)的实数x的取值范围是____3.函数y=1-1/(x-1)在____(填区间)内 高一数学单调性证明题(很简单的,)请用单调性定义证明f(x)=a^x+a^(-x)在(0,+无穷)上是递增函数(a>0,a≠1)也就是说,不能用求导的方法做.大过年的还要回答问题,这里先奉上红包20分.祝大家 三个鸡蛋 I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that .接上 we might prove this wrong 如何翻译?in the good sense of 如何理解 谁能教教我in sense of 这个词组我知道是从某种意义上来说,但我从来不会用这个词,教教我怎么用这个词把两个句子连成一个. 英语翻译 The programme was so exciting that the children kept their eyes __on the TV screenA.fixedB.fixingwhy choose The programme was so ______that the children kept their eyes _____on the screenA.exciting;fixtd B.exciting;fixing C.excited;fixed D.excited;fixing Hen was so tired that he could ( ) keep his eyes open. A、ever B、never C、hardly D、almostHen was so tired that he could ( ) keep his eyes open.A、ever B、never C、hardly D、almost The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes____on the screenA.to fix B.to be fix C.fixed D.fixing句子的意思是什麽? 选择正确的单词并用其正确形式填空.1.beside besides except1) NO one can contact the manager--------------his secretary.2) She knows other languages--------English.4) Our new house is just---------a lake.5) You can also choose to visit o 选择合适的单词.并用起正确形式填空单词:other,on,take,so,as,leave,life,though,next day,inJohn was the only son of a rich American business-man.Usually he was ⑴ to school by the driver ⑵ his father's beautiful car before the driver tom was very tired.he couldn't keep his eyes open.(改为同一句) 看补充tom was____tired ____ ___ his eyes open.Tom had a traffic accident yesterday.(同义句改写)A traffic accident ___ _____ Tom yesterday.