
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 13:42:19
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这一组中主要有piece,bit,item,article 等词,但piece具有独特的地位,在使用其他词的地方一般都可使用piece 代替之.比如:
piece a piece of meat/paper/bread/music/information/furniture/machinery,etc.一片肉/一张纸/一片面包/一首曲子/一条信息/一件家具/一台机器等
bit a bit of news/wood/advice/trouble,etc.一条消息/一块木头/一条建议/一件麻烦事等
item an item of news/crime/program/business,etc.一条新闻/一宗罪行/一个项目/一笔生意等
article an article of export/ furniture/ clothing/ luggage,etc.一宗出口/一件家具/一件衣服/一件行李等
bar a bar of chocolate/candy 一块巧克力/一块糖
bunch a bunch of flowers/grapes/ keys 一束花/一串葡萄/一串钥匙
cake a cake of soap/ice一块肥皂/一块冰
cluster a cluster of stars/flowers/animals一群星/一束花/一群动物
comb a comb of bananas 一串香蕉
drop a drop of rain/ blood 一滴雨/一滴血
ear an ear of corn/wheat一棒玉米/一穗麦子
flight a flight of stairs/arrows/sparrows一段楼梯/一阵箭雨/一群麻雀
flock a flock of workmen/criminals/boys 一群工人/一伙罪犯/一群男孩
head a head of cabbage/cauliflower/sheep 一头卷心菜/一块花菜/一头羊
lump a lump of sugar/coal/clay一块糖/一块煤/一块土
spiral a spiral of mosquito incense 一盘蚊香
slice a slice of meat/bread/beef一片肉/一片面包/一块牛肉
swarm a swarm of bees一群蜜蜂
bevy a bevy of beauties/girls/ladies 一群美人/一群女孩/一群女士
gathering a gathering of friends一帮朋友
clump a clump of trees一丛树林
pack a pack of rascals/wolves一群流氓/一群狼
bottle a bottle of ink/milk/wine 一瓶酒/一瓶牛奶/一瓶葡萄酒
bowl a bowl of rice/porridge 一碗米饭/一碗粥
pail a pail of water 一桶水
glass a glass of beer 一杯啤酒
cup a cup of tea 一杯茶
handful a handful of soil 一抔土
spoonful a spoonful of oil 一汤匙油
mouthful a mouthful of snow 一口雪
truckload a truckload of steel 一卡车钢材
a packet of cigarette一包烟
fit a fit of laughter 一阵笑声
peal a peal of thunder 一阵雷声
flash a flash of light 一道闪电
display a display of force 一番武力展示