This is a difficult English sentence______Chinese.1 for him to put into 2 to put into应该选哪个?为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:48:50
This is a difficult English sentence______Chinese.1 for him to put into 2 to put into应该选哪个?为什么?
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This is a difficult English sentence______Chinese.1 for him to put into 2 to put into应该选哪个?为什么?
This is a difficult English sentence______Chinese.1 for him to put into 2 to put into

This is a difficult English sentence______Chinese.1 for him to put into 2 to put into应该选哪个?为什么?
答案:2 to put into
第一个答案多了for him,因为this is 后面跟的是名词a sentence 不适合跟for him搭配,如果跟的是形容词的话,第一个答案也对哦.


选 1 for him to put into

选1. 因为难易是相对的,这句话是说,“对他来说,把这句话翻译成中文很难。” 所以要加上for him

As a reward, I