build up,set up,put up这三个词组如何使用,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:08:54
build up,set up,put up这三个词组如何使用,
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build up,set up,put up这三个词组如何使用,
build up,set up,put up

build up,set up,put up这三个词组如何使用,
build up :
1. 逐步建立
2. 逐渐积聚,集结
3. 增进,增强
1. We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.
2. Tourist: When was it build up?
3. Then I begin to build up speed.

set up :
1. 竖立,架起,建造
2. 开业,开始经商
3. 创立,建立,为…作准备
1. The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
2. Choose the computer to set up.
3. Joe was set up as our example.
put up :
1. 张贴
2. 举起
3. 提供,提名,提出
1. I can't believe he'd do a thing like that on his own. He must have been put up to it by some of the older boys.
2. Put up your site for reviews!
3. They put up a tent by the fire.

Build up是建设/建立起, 通常需要比较长的一段时间.
They are building up the new stadium next to my house. 他们正在我家旁边建个新的体育场.
He spent 30 years to build up his empire. 他花了30年的时间建立起他的王国.
Set up准备, 安排, 布置


Build up是建设/建立起, 通常需要比较长的一段时间.
They are building up the new stadium next to my house. 他们正在我家旁边建个新的体育场.
He spent 30 years to build up his empire. 他花了30年的时间建立起他的王国.
Set up准备, 安排, 布置
Please set up the table for dinner 请为晚餐布置好餐桌.
He is busy setting up the stage for tonight's performance 他在忙着为今晚的演出准备舞台.
Put up忍受
I put up with her for year, and I had enough我忍耐她多年了, 我受够了.
I can't believe you have to put up with this kind of boss. 我没想到你要忍耐这种老板.
Can you put me up at your place for a couple days? 你能让我在你家住几天吗? (这里是很客气的问法, 就是说我非常抱歉, 知道在你家打扰你一定是让你很难忍受, 但是还是求你让我在你家住几天.)
