
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:02:34
please translate the following sentence:with a special train ticket,you can travel anywhere you like in Europ for just over $100. 请解释一下venture adventure risk的区别好吗 英语翻译please quote us CIF dalian indicating the date of shipment and quantity suppliable.If possible,I'd like to learn more about your trade terms and specifications.Could you let me have some of your sample cuttings and brochures.We want to kn 有学旅游或者景区的解释什么是long haul holidays,travel agents .别就翻译下就完事了,我知道翻译,关键是什么是long haul holidays,travel agents .小弟在此 感激不尽、 在东北哈尔滨,当室内的景观水体和室外的景观水体形成环流时,冬天时室外的水体会结冰吗? 谁有文言文《唇亡齿寒》的原文和解释(注:选自《左传》的)是选自《左传》的,是关于晋国借道的事! 初中语文有哪篇出自《左传》? 在中我们曾学过的课文有哪些? 有谁知道高中课文里面选的是《左传》的那篇? 初中课文《左传》的全文?不用翻译、、只要课文就行了 1.He visited 【Central Park】last week.(对括号部分提问)What______did he_______last week?2.We had a good time playing in the waves.(改为同义句)We______ ______ ______ ______in the waves.3.His bike was 【broken】yesterday.(对括 the music is sounding 为什么将is sounding 改成sounds 英语在线等求解答1.john didn·t a ___ the meeting because he was ill2.my parents were always very s____ with me when i . was young .they asked me to do everything well3.there are many famous place of interest in China which a ____ many tou 是改错、、、、 英语翻译1、很久没有收到May的来信了.不知她现在情况如何.2、再过五周就要考试了,你准备好了吗?3、我从没有去过北方.我去过.我是在那里长大的.4、我昨晚11点才睡觉.我作业太多了.5、你来 英语翻译6.According to the report,the whole industry needs shaking up._______________________________________________________________________________7.Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster?__________________________________ 英语翻译1,他的错误将会导致失败.(result in)2,我能听音乐而不听歌吗?(instead of)3,最后他不得不承认我是对的.(admit)4,我朋友大多数坐公交车上学,而我更愿意走路去上学.(prefer) 英语翻译1.快餐对人们的现代生活有很大的影响.(have influence on)2.我们必须采取措施控制空气污染.(take measures to do sth.)3.街上似乎有很多的历史遗迹.(There seems ti be...)4.我们不能把自己的观点强 绿蒜苗怎样变黄蒜苗已经长得比较高了,是绿色的,但我想让它变黄,直接放在暗处可以变黄吗?急用. A storybook called the adventure of Tom Sawyer中文什么意思 英语翻译Sometimes ,life can be kind like roller coaster ,it's like you going along,and everything seems so cool ,it's not like you looking down,but you not necessily looking up to see who is really in control.When I was little ,I used to be so sc the adventure of telemachus这本书的中文 高中哪篇课文选自 汉书?如题 The Olympic adventure 初中学的哪些课文 英语在线问答Any man in his position _____like that.A.have done B.would have done C.would be done D.would be doing 英语在线回答用 1`fiy 2`minute 3`with 4`ago 5`small 6` hundred 7`of 8` difference 9`from这些词的适当形式天填短文Airpianes are the newest kind of transportation .From early times ,peopie tried to _____through the sky like birds .Abou I was so tired last night that I went to bed early ___talking a bath . 写出单词意思:1 teacher teach 2 driver drive 3 clean cleaner 4 worker work在两天之内必须出来, famer police警察docter医生worker工人nurse护士teacher老师cook厨师driver司机 求有这几个职业的英文歌要简单点的歌 farmer cleaner teacher driver哪个不同 please fix the following problems:Please select4-12 letters for your username是什么意思