
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:25:01
快来. my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror中,AS是什么作用呢?谢谢我的妻子边照镜子边回答,我知道是这么翻译的,可我不知道AS 在这里的作用。 She is smiling to herself (in the mirror).(对括号内部分提问) Mary said that she was___able to wash the plates herself wash plates A .too B.qutie C.much D.very Our _____ class usually begins at eight in the morning ( )_______ at 8:00 in the morning.A.The classes begins B.Class begin C.Class begins1,He has lunch quickly.= He has _________ _________ lunch.( )2._______ at 8:00 in the morning.A.The classes begins B.Class begin C.Class begins D.Begin cla 求一个超简单的英语介绍,我叫xxx,10岁,喜欢音乐课,我喜欢踢足球和打篮球,我是个聪明的男孩, 英语翻译我喜欢的颜色是蓝色,我的爱好是弹钢琴,唱歌,听歌和写作.我的优点是全面,组织能力强;缺点是任性,倔强.踏入中学的大门,和荣幸和大家分在一个班,我会尽力改掉小学时的那些坏毛 楹联为什么叫楹联 4G网络是什么意思呢? Mrs.King always kept the lane shared by them spotless all year 找一首歌,歌词听不太清楚,好像是i don't want to.中间有一句记不清了,之后是i don't want you.然后 收集好春联:过新年,闹新春,家家户户贴春联,请留心观察,认真搜集,抄录10副以上精彩对联自己编更好.如果自己编的要注明【说实话.这题目老师出的,我真不知道要注明什么.】 春联就是春节期间贴于门窗的对联,洋溢着春意,蕴含着祝福.如:(填对联) 对联摘抄,过新年,闹新春,家家户户贴春联,请留心观察,认真搜集,抄录5副以上. 春节家家户户都有贴春联的习惯,请写出你印象最深的一副春联:---------------------,-----------------------.这副春联表现了:-----------------------------. 哪位朋友知道此句中的 a means of 为什么a 后面的means是复数?Without the convenient CD,the PC industry would lack a means of distributing the hundreds of megabytes of audio,visual,and textual data that make up today's multimedia becau means是mean的复数形式吗? 还有哪些像means.manners这样的单复数都有s的词?表示单数时,means方法和manners行为都用s.还有其他的吗? means是单数还是复数 means当方式,手段来讲的时候,它的复数形式是什么? china is planning to build an international high speed railway network 看一下这个词by this means ,this不是单数的吗,means不是复数吗,如果不是复数,有哪几种表示单复数同形式的意思,举举例子mean是作为一个动词,动词搭配有哪些。有表示名词的含义吗 加了复数形式后意义不同的词举例例如good-goods custom-customs 求大神,求上图,高中数学立体几何 it has been 2 years___my sister studied in this school (同义句转换)My brother has been married for two years._____ _____ two years _____ my brother ______. ( sister/s been in australia for about five years.快,我急! the new hight-speed Hangzhou-shanghai line started running last year.it cost about 29 billion yuan Shanghai is to the ___of Hangzhou 已过六级还要考宝钢英语等级吗 我想问一下,农行校园招聘上要写英语等级,我现在查到我的分数过了六级了,但是我得到4、5月份才能到学校拿到六级成绩单,我能在英语等级上写上六级吗,如果写上了,怎么才能证明呢?有知道