
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:32:51
秋天的成语 暑假时间为64天,小敏制定了暑假计划绘画时间为18天,书法时间为16天,旅游时间为10天,其他时间为20天.学绘画和书法的天数,一共用了假期的几分之几学书法用的天数比去旅游多用了假期的几分 暑假的一天作文谁可以给我两篇作文额? 暑假里的一天暑假的一天,小明早上六点整从家里出发,骑自行车前往距离家里17千米的火车站准备乘坐7:15分发往省城的火车,为了寄存自行车,他需要在距离火车站至少一千米的地方下车改为 1,10,31,70,133,( )数量关系题 1 10 31 70 133 ( )括号里是多少 We also have nice shoes for sports.Anybody can b____the things ha wants from our store.Please come and have a l____!I'm sure you can f____ some good things in the store. 囹圄 怎么读?什么意思? 1,10,31,70,133()A 136 B 186 C 226 D 2560,1,3,8,22,63()A 163 B 174 C 185 D 196(),36,19,10,5,2A 77 B 69 C 54 D 481,4,8,14,24,42()A 76 B 66 C 64 D 68 On the farm my job is to _____ the chickens three times a day. 英语翻译JUST AS THE QUESTION:You see ,even I could do a better job of running the school TV station than Mike!Oh ,you could ,could you ,Tom? the three has to (water)every day tom is going to (offer)a job by themthe three has to (water)every daytom is going to (offer)a job by themhis homework must (do)again because of his carelessnessthe roa 三角函数 若函数y=f(x)是定义在[0,1/2]上的单调减函数,则函数f(cosx)的单调增区间为_____ ω在三角函数中f(x)=Asin(ωx+Φ)中表示什么意思? a=x 2的前趋图怎么画 三角函数题目,F(X)=的形式已知函数F(X)=2cos2x+sin2x+a(a属于R)1.求函数F(X)的单调递增区间好对称轴方程2.当X属于[0,30度]时,F(X)的最大值为2,求a的值cos2x这个2表示是平方要化成正玄型的,例如F(X)=sin 写出一个同时满足f(x)=f(π+x)和f(x+π/3)=f(π/3-x)的一个三角函数解析式. 三角函数中满足-fx=f(x+π) 且f(-x)=f(x)的函数是fx= 三角函数versinx=f(x)的图像 今年16英语一点都不会(不爱学) 如果用一年365天去学 一年之后能什么程度? in recent years ,the economic development of the world has beenIn recent years,the economic development of the world has been unbalanced,with Americans ____ morethan they earn.A.spending B.to spend C.spent D.spend 为什么不选b还有为什么than 本人学习钢琴一年每天练习一个半小时左右,但是每次练琴的时候脑子老浮现一些生活当中不愉快的事情,这是为什么啊,虽然我的钢琴也在进步,但总是练琴的时候就开始想,不练琴也就不想了, 9.In recent years much more emphasis has been put ________ developing the students productive skilA.onto B.over C.in D.on More healthy food has been asked for in recent years 用Kids做主语 a number of an amount of可否同时用于可数不可数 a number of和an amount of的区别? In recent years,"Internet" has become one of the ___ words怎么填是 huasehold 三角函数解答题:已知函数f(x)=sin(x/2)cos(x/2)+√3cos²(x/2)已知函数f(x)=sin(x/2)cos(x/2)+√3cos²(x/2)(1)将f(x)写成Asin(ωx+φ)的形式,并求其图象对称中心的横坐标;(2 已知函数f(x)=sin(x+θ)+√3cos(x-θ)为奇函数,θ∈(0,π),求θ的值 三朵花代表什么意思 在四边形ABCD中,∠A=140度,∠D=80度,∠ABC的角平分线BE交DC于点E,且BE∥AD,试求出∠C的度数 圆柱体底面积与高()A正比例 B反比例 C不成比例