
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:06:51
more slowiy的反义词 more than 的反义词组 more popular的反义词是下面哪个?A.unpopular B.much popular C.less popular D. B and C TODO TODO TEROS怎么样 I have art lessons for tow hours 划线部分是for tow hours ,对划线部分提问 1 he spends (tow hours) on TV every night 对括号里的提问 _____ _____ _____ he _____on TV every nigh2The childen are running ____and_____the house happily(房内房外) for tow hours he will be back _in_tow_hours_.the man _in_the_office_ is Liu Tao's uncle.划线处提问, 贝上面加小是上面字 I will eat rice.这样的句子对吗?我觉得好象应该是I shall eat rice. more的反义词是什么 More的反义词为 在两个小时以内是in two hours还是for two hours? 任贝是什么字 任字下面加个贝是个什麽字 slowly的反义词 slowly的反义词是什么?noisily的反义词是什么? gently和slowly的反义词是什么如题 my father loves to ___ jokes My fatheris a little fat .He loves ()jobes.A.to tell B.tell C.to speak D .to say my father____ ____fat.he'sthin WIN7分盘时显示there is not enough free space on selected disk drives 我的C盘有285G.D盘也有300G 然后就是系统自带的两个玩意.各位好心人能不能帮小弟详细解答下该如何操作呢. 英语翻译But not every one is perfect ,or we can lead a happy life. tow hours 是可数还是不可数?就是后面的be动词是is还是are he is good at music.翻意快啊. 我有两块硬盘,组建Raid时出现 Not enough available space to create a volume 应如何操 Not enough storage is available to process this command怎么解决是在玩魔兽世界的时候跳出来的框,以前没有,最近很多次了,重启也没用 开机显示checking NVRAM...Not enough space in Runtime area! SMBIOS data will not be available.Press如何解决 Your mailbox space is not enough 别人跟我发邮件,什么东西都没有,就只有这个 英语翻译l'apprentissage du français grâce à l'émission « 7 jours sur la planète » fait son chemin. faire son jardin什么意思啊 have a dinner 还是have dinner 同问是have lunch 还是have a lunch?那是have a good lunch还是 have good lunch