
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:59:10
求经过点S(1,2),且与圆x方+y方=1相切的直线方程 加以衬托或装饰使原物更好,什么词语 祭拜烈士的祭词 若(a/b)+(b/a)=2,求(a^2+ab+b^2)/(a^2+4ab+b^2)的值 祭字怎么组词三个 若a,b满足(a/b)/(b/a)=2,则(a^2+ab+b^2)/(a^2+4ab+b^2)的值是? 若a、b满足a/b+b/a=2,则a^2+ab+b^2/a^2+4ab+b^2的值? The baby stopped crying and listened to music.同义句The baby ______ cry ______ ______ and listened to music Don't let the baby cry.还是crying 应该先哪个?___ the baby still __?No,it __ crying.A.has;cried;has stopped B.I 已知函数f(x)=x|x-a|-1/4,x∈R(1)当a=1时,求函数y=f(2^x)的零点(2)若对任何x∈[0,1]不等式f(x)<0恒成立,求实数a的取值范围 凯尔特人用英语怎么说呀是音义还是意译 又代表啥意思呢还有为什么足球里也有凯尔特人呢 翻译英语句子,并给予正确答案,谢谢各位了1.where does afternoon come before morning in the world?2.what question can never be answered by YES?3.when can you go as fast as a racing car?4.what will make more n A角60度B角30度C角90度,弦长14,求勾与股各长度! 英语翻译我们常说“人生就像一张茶几,上面充满了悲剧” 还有“人生就像刷牙,一手悲剧,一手喜剧” 我有个同事的口头禅“悲剧啊,悲剧……”没事就瞎念叨的 ^^ “悲剧”作为时下流行的口 英语翻译 主题围绕“真情、童心”的一篇作文 以童心为题材的作文 还要质量!以对比的手法写童心,一篇作文包含两件事,一是呵护童心,二是践踏童心.我不要作文,只要大纲,具体点.1楼 × 求一道初一不等式题不等式(a-b)x>b-a的解集是x<-1,则a,b中较大的数是什么? Ab+Ac-a=a×(b+c-1)对吗 a+b=3-c a+b+c=1 求ab+ac+bc是a平方+b平方+c平方=1 这个没显示 a-b=2,b-c=1 a^2+b^2+c^2-ab-ac-bc= Why don't you come ________ earlier this afternoon?A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 求4个姐妹网名,最好有英文、有符号、长版最好.分别带有“婷、姗、珍、青” 高二英语:辨别这个短语是独立主格还是伴随状语高二下册英语12单元有这样一个句子"They find themselves surrounded by clourful rocks,fishes,seashells and plants,all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters. "请问 英语翻译I will come to Shanghai again in early July and we can organize our business much better so that we can do business with a light heart and also some laughter:we do not work forever so we should not make too much worry for ourselves. 七律长征 说说远征难,难在哪些地方 七律长征中写红军长征路途中威武雄壮的句子是 独立主格的表示时间的和用作时间状语的有什么区别啊?求高手讲仔细点.The work done(=After the work had been done),we went home.工作完成后,我们就回家了.和Her work being done,she sat down for a cup of tea.她干完 用不着想,形容说书做事迅速 根据意思写词语 求关于清明节书籍的读后感要求为:1.是一本关于清明节书籍的读后感2.读后感的内容大致为:(1)纪念英雄先烈(2)铭记丰功伟绩(3)牢记神圣职责3.所写的读后感的那本书的题目是么?4. 此题究竟是考独立主格还是考现在分词作状语啊?Father came home,____.A a dog following him B .a dog followed him.c.being followed by a dog D.A B and C此题选哪个啊?为什么?