
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:36:58
狐狸和黄鼠狼进行跳跃比赛,狐狸每秒跳4.5米,黄鼠狼每秒跳2.75米,它们每秒只跳一次,每37.125米设一个陷阱,问一个掉入陷阱时,另一个已跳了多少米? keep (…)away与keep away from (…)一样吗 若一物体在半碗形状的容器里做圆周运动 谁提供向心力 摩擦力还是弹力 right around the corner和around the corner区别 right around the corner的意思和例句 in the corner 和,at the corner和 around the corner有啥区别?》详解,谢 Do you like fish?为什么不能回答,Yes,i like which one do you like是不是病句? 三年级《一件难忘的事》300字 求翻译一段新闻? ?, 6? ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6? ? ?.? 2? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. ? 6? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6? ?.? SM? ? "? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"? "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"? ?.? ? ? ? '?' ? ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.? ? "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"? ? just around the 英语翻译NASA's mission to return astronauts to the moon would be grounded with the space agency instead getting an additional $5.9 billion over five years to encourage private companies to build,launch and operate their own spacecraft for the ben just around the corner 那He lives just around the corner from .the doctor told his father to stop s____ to keep heathyyou may b__ your finger if you with a match the doctor told me to do more exercise and keep h后面填撒 The doctor told her to exercise more to keep f__ Tom (not like) the red jacket 英语翻译此句怎么翻译,round the conner 一件难忘的事300字 一件难忘的事300字要求:具体 一钝角三角形,两个较短的边分别是20和30,其中钝角的度数为150度,求此三角形面积 已知钝角三角形的三边长分别为2,3,4,求该三角形面积最好有图, 小孩子吃石灰怎么办我家小孩2岁多了老是乘我们不注意时趴到墙上肯石灰 Linda eats eggs for breakfast 一般疑问句Linda eats eggs for breakfast改成一般疑问句 张阿姨半小时走了1.5千米,她1小时能走多远? People in Beijing usually eat dumplings.dumplings 划线 ___ ___people in Beijing usually eat? 尤其在去年至今原料市场面临从未有过的困难情况下.我承认在价格问题上您做了很大的牺牲.恳求高手翻译 在去年至今原料市场面临从未有过的困难情况下. 1分米是多少厘米? My father eats break for breakfast改为否定句 His father eats apples for breakfast.变为否定句 二岁多宝宝不小心掉入石灰池吃了点石灰怎么办 幸好是冷的.听说在第一时间里可以喝一点牛奶对吗?二岁多宝宝不小心掉入石灰池吃了点石灰怎么办 幸好是冷的.听说在第一时间里可以喝一