
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:45:06
how did you work out the math problem? ask the teacher for help B.because theteacher helpe I want to help her work out the math p___. Don't pick the wrong guy again for holiday和for a holiday哪个正确✅? nations和holiday的同义词 I prefer to visit France for my holiday.(改为同义词) I _____ ______ France _____ for my holiday. the host,___(think) that he would come back in a minute ___.前一个空填什么啊?为什么?后面那里如果填,什么样的用法呢? i will ask someone to water my flowers同义句改写I will_ my flowers_. 各币种的英文缩写是什么?平时在银行见到最多 谁知道P代表什么币种的缩写?如题 and danny walk slowly to 王府井的翻译 Danny and Jenny go< >a walk every day.你懂得 带阳的地名 O.U.O的《Bad Guy》 歌词 佣“蜡烛”、“镜子”等无物为写作对象,写一首含有人生哲理的小诗 let's have picnic out a go and用这些单词连词成句, Let's have picnic out listening to用这些单词连词成句 我叫王燕,是巨蟹座的,请大家帮忙起一个好听的女生的英文名字吧,多多费心哦! 为中华之崛起而读书主题班会PPT页数最好在20页左右多一些故事类的东西截止在今天下午5点之前 为中华之崛起而读书的问题!这篇课文写了一件什么事?这异于寻常的回答,为什么使校长震惊?读了这篇课文,你的感受是? the dead are said to return to their homes.句中are said是被动结构?to return这个不定式是什么?谓语么 中国古时用凳子腿上绑上爆竹飞天的人叫什么记得一篇课文中学过,是个什么官员.因为想飞,就把爆竹绑在凳子腿上,他坐凳子上.然后点燃爆竹——他自然升天了.这个人是体现中国人的飞天梦. 古代 把鞭炮绑在 椅子底下想上天的大胆探索的那个人叫万什么 What day is it today?和What day is today?谁对谁错,请说明理由.大家把理由说清 guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world这里的on 是什么用法,是一种固定语法吗 thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey tothe other world.请问drift后面为什么加一个out,及out在这是什么词性,然后on在这和谁是词组,启什么作用 all 除了I don't like football at all 这样请问 all 可以这样用吗 I don't at all like football My mother doesn't like black.i don not like black.合并成一句话 Not all girls like=all girls don'like?all girls don'like是什么意思难道不是所有的女孩都不喜欢吗 before G close my I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers()before my eyes.A、swim B、swum C、swam D、had swum选哪一项,为什么? dlack,all,like,l,at,don;tdlack,all,like,l,at,don't联句