
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:05:31
Do you b_____to finish the work ahead of time "there be"句形,回"here be"句形吗?是怎样的呢? 偏旁是“氵” 右边是“尺” 这个字是什么如题 Our English teacher is ill,so we all ___ about her He was allowed to work in the factory at last allowed to work in the factory at last,_____ success depended on his good attitude and patience.A.whoseB.whatC.whichD.one's 区别aim at和be aimed at别跟我是主被区别,要具体的 aim at 与be aimed at的区别 aim at 和 be aimed at什么时候该用主动(主语为人的时候么?),什么时候用被动么?比如:这些措施旨在扩大内需、促进经济平稳较快发展是该说:These policies are aimed at expanding domestic demands and ...还 手机的输入法点击拼音九键没反应,只能打出来英文 lip有复数吗?如题 lip用作嘴唇的意思的时候可以用复数么? there are 60 birds in the tree.After a while,47 birds fly to the secong tree.then there are 20 birds in every tree.do you know how many birds are in every tree at first?the 1st tree:the2nd tree:the 3rd tree: It tastes (great).括号部分提问 it is great 大家好,我想起个英文名. 我叫魏潇.取英文名叫什么好?谢谢谢谢各位! 学的英语(国际贸易) 应该买什么呀的电子词典呀 我如果做外贸销售,都应学哪些课程,英语学哪方面的好 which do you like,the white coat()the brown coat?A.or B.and C.also 选哪个? 长10厘米、宽6厘米的长方形,以长边为轴旋转1周得到什么图形?体积?请说明意思 hair straightener 怎么发音,能不能帮我把音标写出来,顺便用汉字表上谐音. ghd hair straightener 新东方英语夏令营怎么样?除了学费,还有其他收费吗? 新东方英语有夏令营吗,今天还是听孩子说的想去 tropicana什么意思 whort hair中文是什么 什么动物的胡子最为长? 请问胡须很长的是什么动物 请问新东方英语的夏令营怎么样?今天偶然听孩子说起的 参加新东方英语夏令营,英语要好吗 黑色用英语怎么读? He has never visited the Great hall of the people ,___?I'm afraid so .he seem so busy all the time!为什么有时填hasn't he有时填doesn't he怎么区别3楼的才没学过关有那么简单吗 黑暗的世界英语怎么读