
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:15:32
已知AD为△ABC的中线,E为AD的中点,BE的延长线交AC于F,那么AF:FC=_________A 1:1 B 1:2 C 1:3 D 2:3 I didn't find it intersting (改为同义句) I find it ___ ___ .我写滴是:I find it hadn't intersting 老班说句意有小小的不符…… 有木有! I didn't find it all that bad.it指summer courses这是部分否定吗? i didn't find it easy to learn physics well 同义句 He knows so much about the stars that I am sure it would be impossible to find his____.A.same B.similar C.equal D.rival ,为什么不是D? we are sure that ( ) to do this face to face,he would find it difficult to express himself without losing his tempera:were he to try b:would he tryc:was he trying d:if he tries 英语翻译翻译How can you be so sure that he would do you no harm?How can you easily be cured with those silly and ;worthless words?How was your good day’s work?Did they tell you the secrets of charm?Do you believe in your governor if he’s fr 在△ABC中,AD是中线,O为AD的中点BE+CF=2AG图2在△ABC中,AD是中线,O为AD的中点,直线a过点O,过A、B、C三点分别作直线a的垂线,垂足分别为G、E、F,当直线a绕点O旋转到与AD垂直时.当直线a绕点O旋转到与AD 如图所示,AD是△ABC的中线,F是AC上一点,且CF=2AF,连接BD交AD于点E,求证:BE=3EF 1.I can't find my key---------A.anywhere B.everywhere为什么?还有2.He lives in a house ----a farmA.in B.on C.with D.at带讲解. 英语翻译The blinds were shut so the room was dim,but I looked around at all the things I knew by heart and welcomed the softening effect of the low light这句话怎么翻译? key my can find i(.) I am really worried ,for I can;t find my backpack为什么用worried AD为△ABC的中线.E为AD的中点,连接BE并延长交AC于点F.求证:CF=2AF刚才图画错了- - 已知,如图,△ABC中,点D,E,F分别在三边上,E为AC中点,AD,BE,CF交于一点接下来的如下:已知,如图,△ABC中,点D、E、F分别在三边上,E为AC中点,AD、BE、CF交于一点G,BD=2DC,S△GEC=3,S△GDC=4,求△ABC的面积? 在三角形ABC中,AC=BC,F为AB上一点,BF=2AF,D为CF的中点,连接AD并延长交BC于点E,求证:BE=3CE 如图所示,在△ABC中,点D、E、F分别在三角形的三条边上,E是AC的中点,AD、BE、CF相交于一点G,BD=2DC,S△GEC=3,S△GDC=4,则△ABC的面积是 怎样写学期自我总结.1.优点与成绩 2.不足之处与原因分析 3.改进计划 四年级上半学期自我总结怎么写 怎么写学期总结? 学期总结该怎么写 如果每人每次在洗漱时浪费1ml水,那么按我国13亿人计算,每人每天洗漱两次,一年要浪费多少水 如果我们每个人每次洗漱浪费0.8那么按我国13亿人计算,每人每天洗漱两次,一年要浪那么按我国13亿人计算,每人每天洗漱两次,一年要浪费多少水?如果我们每个人每次洗漱浪费0.8ml水那么按我 ad是三角形abc的中线,f是ac上一点,且cf=2af,连接bf交ad于点e证be=3ef 人撞人的冲击力多大 人的头能承受多大的冲击力 cut foot.I right my如何编成一句话 Because my right foot hurt.I am sorry() right foot是什么意识或者有什么寓意?别只回答我“右脚”:) 如果我们每个人每次洗漱浪费0.8 请你根据下面的材料,为战斗英雄黄继光写几句赞语.在抗美援朝上甘岭的战役中,黄继光所在的营奉命去夺取被敌人占领的一个高地,当冲锋部队遭到敌人火力阻击时,黄继光挺身而出,冲向敌人 为战斗英雄黄继光写几句赞语