
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 07:25:31
英语翻译Miss u again and again I always think of u b/c u didn’t answer me .how are u robi?I am very very fine.How was working?u say I am busy don’t worry about it the only thing is ur rest and ur happiness.Open ur hand in rainy day & z Drop u 什么是确定平面呢?比如说 “不共面的四点可以确定几个平面?” 那这确定的四个都要满足什么呢我也有点不知道该怎么问 我不明白什么是确定平面 是说给的四个点中有几组不共线的三点吗 预习高中数学要怎样预习才会有效果? 英语句子结构及成份分析A father can manage the family assets determining the hereditary line as well the way of managing them.Possible to control how ,when and which way the beneficiaries receiving their part.Furthermore is possible to pred 听说高中理科会增加难度请问一下该怎么预习啊除了课本之外还需要教辅书吗 英语句子结构 成分分析 Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii as it was 2,000 years ago.How amazing!The city was forgotten for many years until 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it.People started to dig in th 英语句子结构成分帮忙分析That evening,which I will tell more about later,we ended the meeting 《very late什么成分,修饰ended 还是ended the meeting》 and ()had to spend another night in thf hotelNot until he retired(from teac 初二数学题两道,全答对20分,要写过程已知,△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=90°,D为BC中点,PE⊥DF,分别交AB与E,交AC与F,判断BE、EF、FC的关系将上题中AB=AC去掉,其他条件不变,上题的结论还成立么,请说明题由 我现在初一,我现在怕怕的,因为本来数学那些就不是很好 .求大神教教我怎么预习或者入门!>O 连词成句 a eat you to vegetables healthy need for body 阿基米德对世界数学有哪些影响? you should 和 you shouldn't 造句表当地的习俗的 例如:cylovedu 印度数学发展的特点及其对世界数学发展的影响 埃及数学对世界文明有什么影响 汉译英I'll never_____ ______ ______ what you said to me last night.我决不原谅你昨晚对我说的话. Joan said she would never forgive Thomas but what for ________some money from her house.为什么用his stealing以及相关语法知识 孟母三迁解释邹孟轲之母也,号孟母.其舍近墓.孟子之少也,嬉游为墓间之事,踊跃筑埋.孟母曰:”此非吾所以居处子.”乃去,舍市傍.其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事.孟母又曰:“此非吾所以居处子 “及孟子之长,学六艺,卒成大儒之名.”这个是编者后加上去的评论的话,原文没有,每个字,尤其是“及” 孟母三迁是怎样解释的, 孟母三迁的注释(1)其(舍)近墓(2)常嬉(为)墓间之事(3)遂(居)焉【解释打括号的字】 分析一句英语语法many people think that qingdao is ___ comfortable city with the attractive beauty of ___nature.第一个空提a most,第二个空不填,为什么不是the most,the? 帮我用英语语法来分析一下这一句Janitors should be given reminders about recycling and recycling bins should be placed in convenient locations all over campus. 英文环保口号,比如we should,don't 尽快尽量多一点 中国数学的世界之最有哪些最好多一点(除四大发明以外) 改变词性2.friend(形容词)7.relax(形容词)13.suit(形容词)14.patiently(反义词)4.usual(反义词) 用it's 形容词 for sb to do 造句,里面最好能加九年级一单元的词语 the students shouted with ______ when they heard the ______ news.A.excitement;exciting B.exciting;exciting为什么是A而不是B呢?with后面也可以接动名词啊 非谓语动词前可以加哪些从属连词?比如说:(When) hearing the news,he jumped up with joy?中的when.我知道的:时间状语从句连词when/while/once/after/before让步状语从句连词though/although条件状语从句连词if/un 运用should/shouldn't造句__________________________________________________________________________________________ apologize for sb 这个短语对吗例题如下:He smiled poliety ( )Mary apologized for her drunken friend.A as B if C unless D though 我女儿上高三了,数学成绩不是很好,想请个家教了,上海哪家家教中心最好了? 我家女儿上初三,但是数学跟物理的成绩老是提不上去,请问无锡市区哪家家教机构的效果好啊?