字数要求(可以说上2分钟左右)5.How did you like your college life,and why?6.What kind of people do you think are more likely to be successful in this new age,why?7.During the weeklong National Day holiday,many well-known scenic spots su

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:22:35
字数要求(可以说上2分钟左右)5.How did you like your college life,and why?6.What kind of people do you think are more likely to be successful in this new age,why?7.During the weeklong National Day holiday,many well-known scenic spots su
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字数要求(可以说上2分钟左右)5.How did you like your college life,and why?6.What kind of people do you think are more likely to be successful in this new age,why?7.During the weeklong National Day holiday,many well-known scenic spots su
5.How did you like your college life,and why?
6.What kind of people do you think are more likely to be successful in this new age,why?
7.During the weeklong National Day holiday,many well-known scenic spots such as the Forbidden City were packed with crowds.How did you spend your holiday?Would you like to stay at home with family members,or go travelling during the holiday?Why?
8.Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs has once said:“We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off,and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.” What are the roles of television and computer in your daily life?Please make some comments on Jobs’ word.

字数要求(可以说上2分钟左右)5.How did you like your college life,and why?6.What kind of people do you think are more likely to be successful in this new age,why?7.During the weeklong National Day holiday,many well-known scenic spots su
5、i like my college life very much. firstly, i don't have to stay up late to finish my homework anymore, instead, i have more time to enjoy what i like to do. secondly, i can make a lot more friends who share the same hobbies with me than i was in high school. last but not least, various of activities and competitions are encouraged in my college, from which i could gain lots of experiences.
6、outgoing people with strong resiponsibilities. outgoing people ofthen do well in interelationship with other people, like colleages, classmates, even bosses. people who have a good interelationship will gain more human resources. at the same time, they must be of responsibility. outgoing means you can get more chances to show your capability through many tasks, while responsibility is a promise for you to finish your tasks.



5.yes, i like ,because college give me knowledge,and my classmates give me happy,my teacher is so selfless,i very like at college,at here i find sincerely
6. sincerely

5、i like my college life very much. firstly, i don't have to stay up late to finish my homework anymore, instead, i have more time to enjoy what i like to do. secondly, i can make a lot more friends w...


5、i like my college life very much. firstly, i don't have to stay up late to finish my homework anymore, instead, i have more time to enjoy what i like to do. secondly, i can make a lot more friends who share the same hobbies with me than i was in high school. last but not least, various of activities and competitions are encouraged in my college, from which i could gain lots of experiences.
6、outgoing people with strong resiponsibilities. outgoing people ofthen do well in interelationship with other people, like colleages, classmates, even bosses. people who have a good interelationship will gain more human resources. at the same time, they must be of responsibility. outgoing means you can get more chances to show your capability through many tasks, while responsibility is a promise for you to finish your tasks.



字数要求(可以说上2分钟左右)5.How did you like your college life,and why?6.What kind of people do you think are more likely to be successful in this new age,why?7.During the weeklong National Day holiday,many well-known scenic spots su 演讲稿“开卷有益”,字数在2分钟左右要求一篇演讲稿,字数要在2分钟左右 谁能给篇2分钟左右的演讲稿 急要求关于国庆的,念稿在2分钟左右的字数即可,先到先得分 宇宙 地球 生命英语演讲~字数在朗读2分钟左右~ 马上就升初一了,求开学典礼上的发言稿没什么要求,字数700左右吧 一件新鲜事 要求:字数400左右 跪求英语情景对话!要求:3分钟左右,2个人的对话!1、The Change in My Life.2、How to Keep Fit2个人的对话,3分钟左右! 关于how Inter change our life的英语短文恩,2分钟左右即可,但要求语句连贯突出主题,(词汇用的尽量简单,麻烦尽量快些, 英语作文my spring festival要求初一水平,字数不限(60词左右最好), 求一篇关于春节的文章(要求:自己写的,字数300左右) 西游记读后感(不要复制,我都看过,不符合我的要求,字数350左右) how to reach to happy?字数150左右 最近的时政新闻演讲稿 带点评论(急!)初中的演讲稿,不用太复杂.时间差不多2~3分钟,字数600左右吧. 关于品德优良、乐于助人的演讲稿.(要求一分钟左右读完) 2小时之内就要啊!急 求一个2分钟左右的幼儿英语表演剧本,能提供视频的更好(要求趣味性强、表演人数在7人左右) 谁能帮我写一篇英语演讲 三分钟左右 为什么上大学要求 演讲长度三分钟左右 态度要端正 内容积极向上 ... ……!”RT 字数要求约是450左右. 要求符合实际,字数在400左右明天就要!