英语作文语法问题(打括号的该怎么改正?)Obeying traffic rulesIt is very important to obey traffic rules.Why should we obey traffic rules?I can give you two reasons.(To obey traffic rules) can protect you from accidents.These are

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:18:17
英语作文语法问题(打括号的该怎么改正?)Obeying traffic rulesIt is very important to obey traffic rules.Why should we obey traffic rules?I can give you two reasons.(To obey traffic rules) can protect you from accidents.These are
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英语作文语法问题(打括号的该怎么改正?)Obeying traffic rulesIt is very important to obey traffic rules.Why should we obey traffic rules?I can give you two reasons.(To obey traffic rules) can protect you from accidents.These are
Obeying traffic rules
It is very important to obey traffic rules.Why should we obey traffic rules?I can give you two reasons.(To obey traffic rules) can protect you from accidents.These are responsible for(yourself )and they can show you(obey the )traffic rules.(To obey traffic rules )can also show (a) quality of citizens.When we (across) the road,we should(todo 1 stop 2 see 3 through).When we walk( in )the pavement,we should keep to the right.

英语作文语法问题(打括号的该怎么改正?)Obeying traffic rulesIt is very important to obey traffic rules.Why should we obey traffic rules?I can give you two reasons.(To obey traffic rules) can protect you from accidents.These are
Obeying traffic rules/ To do 有为了做什么的含义,这里有obeying比较好
obeying the/ show you sth.
Obeying traffic rules
cross/ across是介词
stop and watch carefully before crossing the road.

Obeying traffic rules
第二个括号整个句子有点问题 and后面看不懂,能不能解释一下你想表达什么?
第五个是cross或者are crossing也可以,但是绝对不能用across,因为across是介词
第六个没搞懂括号里什么意思 是选择一个吗?那就是stop,只有stop不及物,后面不...


Obeying traffic rules
第二个括号整个句子有点问题 and后面看不懂,能不能解释一下你想表达什么?
第五个是cross或者are crossing也可以,但是绝对不能用across,因为across是介词
第六个没搞懂括号里什么意思 是选择一个吗?那就是stop,只有stop不及物,后面不用接名词,see是及物的,through是介词


括号1Obeying traffic rulrs,括号4同

1.Obeying traffic rules
3.how to obey the
4.Obeying traffic rules
6.go across

英语作文语法问题(打括号的该怎么改正?)Obeying traffic rulesIt is very important to obey traffic rules.Why should we obey traffic rules?I can give you two reasons.(To obey traffic rules) can protect you from accidents.These are 英语的语法该怎么记? 这句话语法有问题吗,如果有该怎么改正If you were me,would you let me leave? 该英语句子是否存在语法问题?What can we do apart from we go after dreams?该句子是否有语法问题?那他存在的语法问题是什么?他该怎么修改比较好? 中括号怎么打?中括号该怎么打 请问,甲( )丙丁,括号里的用五笔98版该怎么打, 英语作文语法修改(打括号的应该怎么改?)My view on owning a carMy family doesn’t own a car.I (against owning )a car.In my opinion,cars can cause traffic accidents and make people(injury).(The )cars also waste oil.In Ch 一篇英语作文,帮我看看有没有错误的地方.这是我补课留的作业,写一篇关于现在很多人拼写上的问题的作文.清会英语的人帮我看看有没有语法之类上的错误,我打了,怎么没有啊 白打了。现 我的粗心该怎么改正? i like to play这句英语从语法上说有问题吗?该怎么翻译 英语作文语法问题(打括号应该改为什么,谢谢啦!)Staying away from electronic devicesSome students spend much time on electronic devices, such as playing computer games, watching films and so on. I think Eric Schmidt’s advice is 竖着的括号怎么打? (ζ)括号里的符号该怎么用智能ABC打出来?如题,知道的告诉下, 分析下这几个句子的语法成分,是否是病句(如果是请改正,并且是怎么错的)?1、有的人在看问题的方法上是错误的.2 、本书作者希望这本书能引导读者在学习英语句型方面起举一反三的作用 he like some salad but i donot like them.有语法的错误吗?要怎么改正?详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 求英语达人指导学习本人英语一直60多(三校生 满分100) 听力20我没啥问题 第二部分选择题和中翻英和英翻中作文 分数狂扣 因该怎么复习 本人自认语感不错 语法渣渣 该咋办 5月份就要考 老是好写些中文式英语,怎么改正?英语写作时最基本的语法规则(如介词后接动名词)有哪些? 7.[英语问题]有关语法的英语问题(4)请问英语的双重否定怎么说?