完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking求37题答案,并说明理由

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:21:41
完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking求37题答案,并说明理由
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完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking求37题答案,并说明理由
完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking

完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking求37题答案,并说明理由
给文章啊 不给怎么写

选A go to bed 强调动作,去睡觉!A选项强调的为状态,原文意思是说:大部分已经睡觉了! 为睡觉这一状态!

完形填空 完型填空.每题2分) It is in Paris.One night two young thieves are walking求37题答案,并说明理由 第三部分:完形填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)“Well,” he said,“it is a strange story.” About ten years ago,I was walking along 26 quiet London street one evening 27 it suddenly rained.I had no raincoat and no umbr 请求做题,( 英 语 )二.完型填空.(每题3分,共21分)(答题时间:5分钟)(请在正确的答案上打钩)I’m having a great time in Hong Kong,although I have to be honest and say that I 1 Shanghai.Still,it’s a great 请来做一篇高一英语完型填空题目(附带答案)第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) When a person is curious (好奇的) about something,it means he is 36 in it and wishes to know something about it.We can say h I must go now.It ____late(get)完形填空 完型填空I thing it is dear.I_______a________one. 完形填空.(每空一词) Ⅳ.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分) One morning Mr Hilton 41 in the country and looks for a small 42 .When he sees an old woman 43 the side of the road,he 44 his car and says to the old woman,“I want to 45 the Moon Hotel.Do you know it? 八年级英语完形填空六.完形填空(10分)I went to Hawaii(夏威夷)last summer.Hawaii is a very 1 place.Many people go there for vacation every year.The 2 was nice during my stay in Hawaii.It was sunny every day.I 3 many beautiful 初一英语完形填空(每空一次),急,1.A:What are you doing?B:I'm () my plane.() is wrong () it.Could you help me () it?A:I'm () .I can't help you.I'm very busy now.B:Well,do you () a knife?() is at home.A:Yes,I have one.B:May I () it?A:Cer 完形填空,每词限用一次. 完型填空,首字母填空 五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题 帮个忙做英语卷子啊!八.完型填空.每小题1分)Mothers’ Day is celebrated in the USA.It is also a holiday in some ___1___ countries.It’s on the second Sunday in May.It is a day to thank ___2___.On that day mothers usually ___3___ fl 完形填空题! 完形填空题 完形填空题. 完形填空题