The older of two men is my uncle 这里the的怎么理解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 15:59:41
The older of two men is my uncle 这里the的怎么理解
xN@_,]yV BKh . ^ "]`Y\_ff:|O[4L&s??'DXR%'@-@F!B/VՆNOSsO+gv'|em ܺUAgbdBwW%JO.ɬv/lHnpkÑ7}Ef|9r-A {GSc{G& MMlޘ-lnEf5i-cIQQ! ېUAJNWtM]Pt9%ʠ)x*}C(ӡCaN/mdcԯYV]SЏs50 ȣy-Vom|?~=I

The older of two men is my uncle 这里the的怎么理解
The older of two men is my uncle 这里the的怎么理解

The older of two men is my uncle 这里the的怎么理解
作用是 特指 ,指两个人中年长的那一位是我的叔叔.换句话说,就是指明所描述的对象~...不要那么较真了啦......咔咔......
That`s THE guy I was talking about.
The younger one turns out to be the bigger one...(年龄小的那个结果却长得更大...)
