
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:17:13
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小杨:What a pity!I had to go to a wedding yesterday so I haven’t watched the final of 110m hurdles.
太遗憾了!昨天我不得不去参加一个婚礼所以我没能看到110米跨栏比赛的决赛.小李:Well,flying man Liu Xiang won undoubtedly.
飞人刘翔毫无疑问的赢了.小杨:Wow,if I am correct,it is the third gold medal he won in the national games.
哇,如果我没有记错的话,这是他在全运会上赢得的第三块金牌.小李:Yes,he won the grand slam.
是的,他实现了大满贯.小杨:Did he slow down after clearing all hurdles as what he did in heat?
他跟预赛中一样在跨完所有栏后减速了吗?小李:No,his competitors like Jiwei and Shi dongpeng gave him some pressure so in order to assure his first place he could not slow down obviously.
没有,他的竞争者纪伟,史东鹏等给了他一些压力,所以为了保证自己的第一名位置,他不能明显的减速.小杨:Did he perform his best status?
他表现了他的最佳状态吗?小李:I think not,he said he just took a conservative policy in the national games.The game was more like a practice to him.
我认为不是,他说他在全运会中采取了保守的策略.这场比赛对他而言更像场训练.小杨:He never let people down.We all know the return of the king!
他从不让我们失望.我们都知道王者归来了!小李:Let’s wait and see his better and better performance!