error C4996:'fopen':This function or variable may be unsafe.Consider using fopen_s instead.To disable deprecation,use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.See online help for details.//假设b=3m,h=100m,ms=2.89 a为板状体倾角 ,is为有效磁化倾角//#defin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:16:33
error C4996:'fopen':This function or variable may be unsafe.Consider using fopen_s instead.To disable deprecation,use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.See online help for details.//假设b=3m,h=100m,ms=2.89 a为板状体倾角 ,is为有效磁化倾角//#defin
xT[OA+`wn"`Kb*>XLSwvwӅUC\* ER t_8|Ř3|gڨ9-˰`W__O{0? 2C<=,RY r1Ha`e4xot(9r7ȭzh8krJcd ywu91E|pXpR}|ʦKnq@BBem5Ö^P3D?ԾܿAfĕZ*0-! 3nRƌ@PyjF D_$$Ow@,"R79SD{$`B$ ךʃ'awxj>BQCެک?ݻW,@L?Yqe{Yi}^gǕ}ds~ͽlc˰Ү{ | ˜V]>Xf6#ԍ*mU6Nʇsr4DMx# s

error C4996:'fopen':This function or variable may be unsafe.Consider using fopen_s instead.To disable deprecation,use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.See online help for details.//假设b=3m,h=100m,ms=2.89 a为板状体倾角 ,is为有效磁化倾角//#defin
error C4996:'fopen':This function or variable may be unsafe.Consider using fopen_s instead.To disable deprecation,use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.See online help for details.
//假设b=3m,h=100m,ms=2.89 a为板状体倾角 ,is为有效磁化倾角
void main()
\x09FILE *fp1,*fp2;
\x09fp1 = fopen("H:\\c程序\\试试\\za.txt","w+");
\x09fp2 = fopen("H:\\\c程序\\试试\\ha.txt","w+");
\x09double u;
\x09u = 12.56* pow(10,-7);
\x09float za[50],ha[50],a,is,r;
\x09int b,h,x;
\x09b = 3;
\x09h = 100;
\x09float ms = 2.89;
\x09a = a*3.14 / 180;
\x09is = is*3.14 / 180;
\x09r = a - is;
\x09for (x = -100; x < 100; x += 5)
\x09\x09za[x] = (u / 2 * 3.14) * 2 * b*ms*sin(a)*(h*cos(r) - x*sin(r)) / (x*x + h*h);
\x09\x09ha[x] = (u / 2 * 3.14) * (-2) * b*ms*sin(a)*(h*sin(r) + x*cos(r)) / (x*x + h*h);
\x09\x09fprintf(fp1,"%d %f\n",x,za[x]);
\x09\x09fprintf(fp2,"%d %f\n",x,ha[x]);

error C4996:'fopen':This function or variable may be unsafe.Consider using fopen_s instead.To disable deprecation,use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.See online help for details.//假设b=3m,h=100m,ms=2.89 a为板状体倾角 ,is为有效磁化倾角//#defin
你用的是VS2012吧= =.2012开始就对很多函数进行重写,因为微软觉得以前的函数不安全.fopen被fopen_s代替了.