GO down the road and ____ right at the traffic lights,then ____ across tbridge .这俩空咋填啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:03
GO down the road and ____ right at the traffic lights,then ____ across tbridge .这俩空咋填啊
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GO down the road and ____ right at the traffic lights,then ____ across tbridge .这俩空咋填啊
GO down the road and ____ right at the traffic lights,then ____ across tbridge .这俩空咋填啊

GO down the road and ____ right at the traffic lights,then ____ across tbridge .这俩空咋填啊
turn ringht 右转 go across 穿过

turn go
