请帮我把这几个单词连成句“village your there building any are in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:11:25
请帮我把这几个单词连成句“village your there building any are in
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请帮我把这几个单词连成句“village your there building any are in
请帮我把这几个单词连成句“village your there building any are in

请帮我把这几个单词连成句“village your there building any are in
There are any building in your village.

Your building there are in any village

Are there any building in your village?

Are there any buildings in your village?

请帮我把这几个单词连成句“village your there building any are in you,for,thank,me,your,about,telling,day 请帮我把这几个单词连成一句话!必有重谢! 的 武装 是 战胜的 知识 不可 用 人 起来 请帮我把这几个词语连成两句意思相同的句子 should it do to protect everything we 把这几个单词连成一句 sing,my,can,brother,well,vary.请把以上这几个英语单词连成一句. 帮我把第2句连成一句话 请将以下几个单词连成句:fourteen there behind chairs the bags are,谢谢这句话是什么意思? 英语 把单词连成句子visit good mountains the are place a to 把这几个单词连成一句话~ 忙我把这几个单词连成句子,这是初一的题.during ,dog ,the ,day ,sleep ,often ,this. park,they,are,going,the,to,Sunday,this.请把以上这几个英语单词连成一句. 能帮我把这几个英语单词连成句子吗?computer,the,help,summer camp,needs,with .. 帮我把这几个词语连成一段话.萌发 翩然 孕育 销声匿迹 衰草连天 风雪载途 周而复始 草长莺飞 帮我把that is How much pet in window the 这几个英语单词怎么连成句子 one,tells,to,recycle,us这5个单词连词成句of,it,are,not,people,allowed,to,make,mess,a这几个单词连成一还有一个 dirty,dogs,make,may,beach,the连成一句话会的人帮我一下啦 请把这些单词连成句:Mike's .it.likes .father.too组成一个疑问句 请帮我把以下单词连成句子,1.tiger,jumps,it,after,races,and,on2.passengers,snow,soft,sled,unloads,the,and,its,lands,in,deep,the 你能帮我把下列单词连成祈使句吗:have,sweet,apple,please,juice,some 能帮我写几个八个双元音音标对应的单词吗?请把每个单词的音标标上,