.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she finishes it?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:40:42
.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she finishes it?
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.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she finishes it?
.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she finishes it?

.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she finishes it?
a quarter of an hr = 15 min
20 - 15 = 5
thus..4:20 - 15 = 4:05