
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 15:46:28
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paper used ceremony and the perspective of social change, puts the
bayan obo ritual yugur inspects the function of the ceremony in the
background of social transition and change, from the ritual and social
structure theory Angle of view to analyze the function of social
construction of ceremony from the analysis of its function in the
changes of the bayan obo ritual transformation and the important role of
ritual in the local social construction. First of all, the paper
expounds the bayan obo ritual of the changes since the 1980 s, and study
its function from the changes of the ceremony of change; Second, about
the ritual ceremony after change social construction of the social
function is analyzed, and try to the changes of the ceremony to analysis
the relationship between social construction.
on the above ideas, this paper first discusses the ceremony since
Renaissance of change, and change its function, mainly displays in the
bayan obo ritual in Renaissance after the change in six aspects: the
changes of the bayan obo organizational system; The changes of the
ceremonies; The changes of the ritual participants; The changes of the
ceremony in language, dress from folk religion to national culture; To
the national holiday from religious activities. And the changes of the
ritual function mainly for three aspects: from the cultural capital to
the economic capital; From the divine to entertaining; The shift towards
integration of ethnic relations. The research results show that social
change is the precondition of bayan obo ritual in change, ceremony
vicissitude is yugur people response to social change, and ritual
culture in the modern power under the impact of changes and the autonomy
of people adapt and change the direction of the choice determines the
ceremony. Second after the change of bayan obo ritual in the social
function in social construction has made a further discussion to think
the ritual function of the social construction of construction,
strengthen and maintain ethnic identity, the role of social relations,
social structure, but with the ceremony of change, social construction
of ritual function also revealed a weakening trend.

英语翻译祭鄂博仪式是裕固族牧民社会生活中最为重要的宗教仪式,是裕固族古老文化的缩影,它不仅有着极其丰富的文化内涵,也是裕固族人日常生活中极为重要的组成部分.裕固族的祭鄂博仪 请问下列名族信仰藏传佛教的是:藏族 蒙古族 裕固族 鄂温克族 回族 46、下列少数民族中,全信仰伊斯兰教的一组是:() A、壮族、哈萨克族、柯尔克孜族、回族 B、塔吉克族、乌兹别克族、塔塔尔族、裕固族 C、维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、撒拉族 D、回族 山中访友的仪式短暂是因为()山中访友的仪式别有深意是因为() 如何理解马克思主义哲学中社会生活本质上是实践的? 《桃花源记》中突出社会生活平静的句子是 中国有多少次阅兵仪式 人民是羔羊谁是牧民谁是牧主? 英语翻译还有一句今天英语在人们的社会生活中起了非常重要的作用。 社会生活中有哪些规则?社会生活中有哪些规则 社会生活中包括哪些规则? 山中访友中“这短暂而别有深意的仪式”是指什么? 举例说明,社会生活中还有哪些应用信息技术的例子.信息技术是如何改变举例说明,社会生活中还有哪些应用信�举例说明,社会生活中还有哪些应用信息技术的例子.信息技术是如何改变举例 颁奖仪式将于明晚现场直播 英语翻译 白金汉宫换兵仪式的英语翻译 英语翻译:举行盛大的节目仪式 《山中访友》 文中短暂别有深意的仪式指的是? 中英香港政权交接仪式英国人的表情是什么样的