初二上册英语作业本里的一题If you want to keep healthy,what should you do and shouldn't you do?后面有5幅图,第一幅图是一个人在睡觉,第二幅是一个人吃很多的垃圾食品,第三幅是一个人在骑自行车,另外两

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:38:15
初二上册英语作业本里的一题If you want to keep healthy,what should you do and shouldn't you do?后面有5幅图,第一幅图是一个人在睡觉,第二幅是一个人吃很多的垃圾食品,第三幅是一个人在骑自行车,另外两
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初二上册英语作业本里的一题If you want to keep healthy,what should you do and shouldn't you do?后面有5幅图,第一幅图是一个人在睡觉,第二幅是一个人吃很多的垃圾食品,第三幅是一个人在骑自行车,另外两
If you want to keep healthy,what should you do and shouldn't you do?
Model:I should sleep early.I shoudn't eat too much junk food.
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初二上册英语作业本里的一题If you want to keep healthy,what should you do and shouldn't you do?后面有5幅图,第一幅图是一个人在睡觉,第二幅是一个人吃很多的垃圾食品,第三幅是一个人在骑自行车,另外两
I should exercise more.
I should go for a picnic more often.
I shouldn't stay up late.
I shouldn't drink coffee.
I should eat more fruits.
I should eat more healthy food.