1.are you happy ---about/to/with/of your english?2.it's fine today.the sun is---- shine/shineing/shinning/shining3.---how/what do you think of harry potter?用HOW与WHAT 有什么区别?4.a short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which ---co

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:20:40
1.are you happy ---about/to/with/of your english?2.it's fine today.the sun is---- shine/shineing/shinning/shining3.---how/what do you think of harry potter?用HOW与WHAT 有什么区别?4.a short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which ---co
xSoAW jBՓ BFiT(%5MjW겔.p_.\L=zX1ߛoVf\jX t(כLPj1+5u$ xp5A 8 P80oiDySoRC@ǽbUV԰m,.-鷷6>pG=9jς![3V'`T8 ^ 2+ 7]$"&eEDy`/?uE jW#t`%ݱF F憦ѹ{rܗ=}J)G^Eg ՄdFcfʨx56tMjIJVrՔH(ˆ ҰT9ױg5V%oǑZ7y''>䱂ZC.IwKJ]XhT

1.are you happy ---about/to/with/of your english?2.it's fine today.the sun is---- shine/shineing/shinning/shining3.---how/what do you think of harry potter?用HOW与WHAT 有什么区别?4.a short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which ---co
1.are you happy ---about/to/with/of your english?
2.it's fine today.the sun is---- shine/shineing/shinning/shining
3.---how/what do you think of harry potter?用HOW与WHAT 有什么区别?
4.a short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which ---cost/paid/spent/took him $250..cost/paid/spent/took 并且他们之间的区别与用法是什么?
5.i wonder if they are worth any money.wonder

1.are you happy ---about/to/with/of your english?2.it's fine today.the sun is---- shine/shineing/shinning/shining3.---how/what do you think of harry potter?用HOW与WHAT 有什么区别?4.a short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which ---co
1.with be happy with sth
what do you think of=how do you like
cost took都是物作主语,但cost一般用于金钱,took一般用与时间
spent paid都是人作主语,paid表支付给某人,或支付多少钱.
spend time /money on sth
spend time /money in doing sth
怀疑的意思,一般用于个人的认为 I wonder of anyone has sent us a letter我怀疑有人已发信通知我们