
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:31:55
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(You are supposed to hand in your homework before next Tuesday)

Greetings to my fellow juniors! I am so glad to hear that all of you are trying your best to learn English well. Here, I am going to share some of my experience to you.
First of all, it is very helpful if you can listen to the English channel of the radio every night, and keep it as a habit. As we all know, a language is a communication tool, one can only make an improvement by practising it frequently. Similarly, listening to the radio can be treated as a practical way to train your listening skills.
Secondly, keeping a diary in English can improve one's writing skills. While one is writing a diary in English, he may concur difficulties such is expression, grammer, new words and so on. After looking them up in the dictionary or other books, one can improve his writing skills largely.
Lastly, watching English movies are also helpful to learn English. One of the most valuable points is that one can learn and have the joy at the same time. All one has to do is to pay a little bit attention to the expression of the actors. It is normal that the beginners may not understand the lines in the play by only listening, hence it will be better if the move has an English subtitle.
All in all, if you keep up the good work, you can all learn English well. I hope that my experience can be helpful to you!
Thank you for your time.
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谁能给写篇英语作文啊大学水平的~Composition(homework)你现在是大二学生,假设你的中学班主任老师打算让你给高二学生用英语写一封信,谈一谈课外学习英语的经验.请根据以下提示写一封120-1 谁能给我初一水平的英语作文题目 cobol语言COMP,COMP-1,COMP-2,COMP-3,COMP-5谁给具体解释下最好举点例子 能帮忙写一篇《我理想中的丈夫》的英文作文吗?需要有四五分钟时间的讲述.最好能符合大学英语的水平. 英语作文A Busy morning120左右、按时间顺序写、高中/大学水平、必须原创否则不给分、骗分的滚、重申、原创、时间顺序、 请帮我写一篇中国语言文化的英语作文,大学水平! 英语作文,给英语老师的一封信……老师叫李科 男 日期明天 大学英语英语作文啊!不要太长!亲们加上日期,大学的水平啊,不要中国式英语啊! 谁能给我一篇初中或高中水平的英语作文,关于节日的 一道大学开放性英语作文思路,I wish I knew.好吧,其实那个不是大学的.我是希望有大学水平的同学给我提意见呢 谁能给我一篇英语作文,要初一水平的,字数少一点 谁能给我新视野大学英语2的听力 英语作文题目(为什么喜欢英语)大学水平的 祝贺某人考上大学的英语作文帮我写一篇写的好给200 谁能人为的给我写篇英语作文.our new school . 哎 大学爱情的问题英语作文怎么写啊 关于写母亲的大学英语作文 谁能给我写篇寒假英语作文啊,100字左右, 帮我写篇大学英语作文