
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:47:17
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Aiming to make me better to look for a better man is my hope.

I will try my best to make myself better, to be worthy of the last good man

I will try my best to become more excellent to deserve an outstanding man in the future.

I'll try hard to become more excellent to match an excellent man in the future.

I will make myself be more excellent,to be a girl who deserves an excellent man.

希望能帮到你!! Perhaps you are right, friends are those who 希望能帮到你~ Maybe you are right. Friends are someone who

I am try to be more outstanding to match an oustsanding man in the future.

make myself better,I into outstanding men in the aftertime.

I will try hard to make myself better in order to match an excellent man in the future.

I will strive to become an outstanding woman and to be worthy of a successful man in the future.

I'll try my best to become more excellent to be an excellent man in the future

I will spare no efforts to become more excellent to deserve the reputation as an excellent man.

I'll try my best to make myself become more excellent than other girls,so I can make sure to match up with someone excellent too.

I will work hard to be more excellent to match with an excellent man in the future.

i will endeavor to become more excellent to match a superior man in the future

I'll try hard to become my best to be worthy of an excellent man in the future.

I will try my best to be a better man so that I may deserve to be called an excellent guy someday in the future.

I will try to make ourselves more excellent, will deserve a good man
Hey hey, thanks!

l will spare no efforts to become more excellent to deserve the reputation as an excellent man.

I will try to make ourselves more excellent, will deserve a good man

我的版本是:I am going to pefect myself to deserve a pefect man.