
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:14:42
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4 1/2 cups (500 g) flour,sifted
10 1/2 oz (300 g) lean boneless pork or mutton,minced
1 tsp salt,or to taste
6 1/2 tbsp (100 g) scallions,chopped
2 tsp ginger,chopped
1/8 tsp five-spice powder
1/2 tsp MSG (optional)
1.Mix the flour with 3 1/2 oz (100 ml) of water to make a dough.knead until smooth and let stand for 30 minutes.
2.To prepare the filling,mix the pork or mutton with 7 oz (200 ml) of water and the salt.Stir in one direction until it becomes a paste.Add the scallions and blend well.divide filling into 100 portions.
3.Divide the dough into 4 portions and roll into long rolls.Cut each into 25 pieces.Flatten each piece and roll into 2 inches (5 cm) circles.Place 1 portion of filling in the center of each wrapper and fold the dough over it,making a bonnet-shaped pouch.Pinch the edges together to seal the dumpling.Repeat until all the dough and filling are used.
4.Bring 8 cups (2 litres) of water to a boil over high heat,Add half the dumplings.Stir them around gently with a ladel,and let the water return to a boil.Add enough cold water to stop the boiling,then bring back to a boil.When the water boils again,add more cold water and bring to a boil a third time.The dumplings will be done when they float to the surface.Remove,drain well,and serve.