求一篇包法利夫人的读后感 要英文的500单词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 11:36:57
求一篇包法利夫人的读后感 要英文的500单词
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求一篇包法利夫人的读后感 要英文的500单词
求一篇包法利夫人的读后感 要英文的500单词

求一篇包法利夫人的读后感 要英文的500单词

Review for Madame Bovary
"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ''What does ...


Review for Madame Bovary
"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ''What does a woman want?'"
This is one unforgettable classic! I don't even know how to begin describing it, mainly because of the complexity of the main character Emma Bovary. When I finished this novel (almost in tears, for the ending is both tragic and very distressing) I walked away from it feeling extremely fortunate to be born in a time and place in which I have complete freedom. For, in a nutshell, what plagued our heroine throughout her entire life was the simple fact that she was trapped being a woman in a man's world (the novel takes place during the mid 19th century in Normandy). You see, Madame B. is no common, run-of-the-mill mademoiselle. On the contrary this gal is blessed with it all - beauty, brains, passion, etc... You name it, she's got it! She is the true embodiment of femininity - possessing style, grace, and a keen eye for artistic beauty, on top of also being a great cook, excellent piano player, having a knack for home-decor, sewing, drawing, etc... There is seemingly nothing she can't do or isn't good at.
Her tragic mistake (which is usually the case with many talented people throughout history) is that she marries the wrong person. Her husband Charles Bovary is a man who 'knew nothing, taught nothing, desired nothing' the complete antithesis of his enlightened wife Emma. Flaubert further defines him early on in the novel: 'Charles's conversation was as flat as any pavement... rousing no emotion, no laughter, no reverie. He had never ventured to the theatre... he couldn't swim, or fence or shoot...' In other words, he's boring as hell, and although he absolutely worships the ground his wife walks on, she, on the other hand, slowly begins to resent this servile, supine, sappy simpleton she finds herself tied down to. To complicate matters even further, she ends up pregnant and giving birth to a girl, Berthe (of course Emma was hoping and praying for a son, for 'a man, at least, is free...'). Depressed and engrossed with the eternal ennui, which inflicts so many women who marry men they feel no passion nor love toward, Emma embarks on her own personal crusade to find that happiness which always seems to be eluding her. A self-indulgent quest that in the end, only leads to catastrophic consequences for both her and her family.
What makes this masterpiece "Madame Bovary" such an interesting read is how totally modern this story is. Emma, desperately seeking an escape from being a lonesome, unfulfilled house-wife and mother, soon becomes a shopaholic, racking up debt all over town. When she is not shopping and spending money, she's having adulterous liaisons with men who... well, you shall have to see for yourself. While I was reading this, I kept thinking to myself, I know women like this! I see them all the time in the area (Silicon Valley, Northern California) in which I live. Beautiful women, who married their far from beautiful husbands for money and security. They don't work, have nannies taking care of the kids, while they cruise around in their new Mercedes or BMW shopping all day and hopping in the sack (although, like Emma, very discreetly) with one man after another. They hang out at upscale bars/restaurants with each other bitching about how difficult their lives are, how much they despise their husbands, their next trip to Europe, etc... while sipping on hundred dollar bottles of wine and comparing plastic surgeons. Talk about a sad, pathetic life... Just like Emma, these cougars are completely empty inside. They can find no happiness from within, and the more material things they possess, the more their insatiable appetites go unfed... There is no price that can be placed for love. No one material item or one night of unbridled, erotic passion can ever replace the true love of a spouse or child.


Madame Bovary is the greatest novel written by Gustave Flaubert. The 1855
masterpiece portrays in searing detail the tragic tale of a young girl whose dreams turned into nightmares; whose sandcas...


Madame Bovary is the greatest novel written by Gustave Flaubert. The 1855
masterpiece portrays in searing detail the tragic tale of a young girl whose dreams turned into nightmares; whose sandcastles are swept away by unfulfilled passion; whose young life is ended in a tragic death. Years before Tolstoy limned the adultress woman in his Anna Karenina we see the consequences which ensue when a middle class wife and mother breaks the seventh commandment.
The novel takes place near Rouen in the north of France. There are actually three Madame Bovarys in the story. Madame Bovary Sr. who is the mother of Charles Bovary dominates her weak son. Madame Bovary I is an ugly but wealthy woman who dies allowing Charles to wed the lovely Emma
Bovary who is the the famed woman of the book's title. Emma has grown up on a farm coddled by her widower father. She has immersed herself in romantic tales and spent time in a French convent. Emma dreams of castles in the air and a charming prince to take her to paradise. Today she would be a reader of Harlequin Romances. She is a virgin plum ripe for picking!
Charles Bovary ("bovine" meaning cow-like; also think "ovary for his scandolous wife Emma) is a dull, stupid and lethargic public health inspector. He is a good man but is a total dullard! Charles weds Emma after treating her father. At first all goes well as the couple set up house in a French provincial town where little exciting ever occurs. They have a daughter Berthe with whom Emma has little to do. She never grows up to becoming a mature woman.
Emma carries on two affairs in the novel with the law student Leon and the wealthy but callous womanizing aristocrat Rodolphe. She is sucked into a cesspool of overwhelming debt being addicted to clothing, jewelry and furniture. Emma's lovers forsake her as her disillusionment with men and life itelf takes over life. Madame Bovary ends her life by committing suicide. The account of her horrific, painful and grotesque death from her fatal injection of arsenic rat poison will never be forgotten by the
reader. Despite her many sins she deserves pity at such a sad end. Her husband dies a few years later and her daughter has to be farmed out to a relative.
What makes this novel of adultery, satirical views of provincial life, mockery of the relgious hypocrisy in the French countryside and lacerating portraits of such types as the village atheist Homais so great? In my opinion the reasons this is such a landmark work must include:
a. A picture of a woman seeking to break out of the nineteenth century bourgeoisie view of females as placid wives and mothers with no aspirations of their own. Throughout the novel there are images of birds seeking freedom from cages. Emma is a modern feminist in the nineteenth century society she finds impossible to escape. Emma is an iconoclastic rebel.
b. A satirical and cynical view of human hypocrisy drawn with skill in the pictures Flaubert draws of such figures as the village priest, scientist, merchants and moneylenders. Society is concerned with money and social status to the detriment of more spiritual and ethical values.
c. Flaubert introduces a new realism to the novel which will influence such naturalist as Emile Zola and others. The novel reads as if it was written today instead of over 150 years ago.
d. Flaubert's descriptions of the beauty of nature (and its indifference to human suffering and troubles) are beautifully etched. His use of language and the level of suspense he maintains throughout the work are excellent.
e. Flaubert is not afraid to describe female sexual longings. His sex scenes are tasteful to our eyes but viewed as prurient reading in his own day.


"Madame Bovary," Flaubert, author (1821-1880), France is the master of literary realism, the French 19th century novel in the history of one of the three giant, Flaubert was born Dr. Yu Yige family, h...


"Madame Bovary," Flaubert, author (1821-1880), France is the master of literary realism, the French 19th century novel in the history of one of the three giant, Flaubert was born Dr. Yu Yige family, had studied law in Paris, Dropped out of school due to illness. Flaubert on the origin of his writing has a huge impact: the knife used to see he does not believe that religion, the true worship - in his novels are fully reflected. He relies on a wide range of legacy to live on, and concentrate on literature, life, he lived a life of celibacy.
Novel "Madame Bovary," Flaubert is a masterpiece. The author uses concise and delicate writing, through a passionate woman full of Emma's experience represents the mid-19th century French social life. "Madame Bovary" The Art of Modern Fiction in the form of making it a new turn for the better. "Madame Bovary" come out, even if the novelist is aware of the novel, but also carved. This is not only a novel model is a model essay. However, "Madame Bovary" as the author has brought trouble. Many people pigeon-holing, Flaubert criticized the book "a breach of the moral and religious," he has also been passed to the court: It was reported that he was "indecent." At this time, many readers have expressed sympathy to Flaubert and support, and even he has always been opposed to the Romantic writers have to defend him. Court, after a heated debate, the writers have been acquitted - can be seen, "Madame Bovary".
The book's heroine, Emma was born in the provinces was a well-off farmers. Monastery in her childhood education. In that period, Emma fell in love with a look at the novel, especially those relating to men and women love the book. Book hero Viscount is not count, which deeply fascinated by her. Novels in the circumstances of her love for the fairy-tale full of fantasy, thinking that marriage will be able to achieve her wishes. In a coincidental, a doctor married to Emma Summer Fall. Discover after marriage, but all is far from imaginary better. Honeymoon in, she can not experience happiness, the next to get along, she discovered that her husband is a cowardly timid, slow and incompetent. Her mind Prince Charming in her life, which is no longer wonderful, but it is day-to-day living.
Leon then broke into her life, they have common hobbies, frequently in the conversation, Leon finds himself gradually fell in love with the married woman can have Leon did not dare to bare their minds and Emma, he Emma refused to fear the final choice of escape, went to Paris. Emma in Lyon before leaving the regret that he did not stay. Can be as time goes by, the memory was gradually watered down and the other men came.
Dorf Law for the first time to see Emma was her unique temperament deeply attracted. As a result, he himself must be determined to get the woman hand, he is confident he can succeed because he was very rich. Luo Dorf exhausted rhetoric is reversed Shenhun Emma, her vanity with the rapid expansion. Emma had a hesitant start, but Dorf Luo repeated waves of offensive, she had succumbed to. Love Mary felt at last found a novel long life, is both stimulating and gratifying. Duzhan Yu But Emma's very strong, with the passage of time, Luo Dorf have had tired of her. When Emma decided to abandon the current life, and Luo Shuangsushuangfei Dorf, he has been back. Luo Dorf feel that everything is just putting on shows every field. He wrote a letter to the hard-hearted, ridiculous thing in the text of the perfect cover up their own tired, contrary to all the blame "fate", tried to pass the buck. He's relentless gone, as if nothing happened like everything is gone. Emma collapse, and devastated from this.
Her final product into a debt mountain of despair and ruin. Emma turned to her lover, but this time they are like a faint-hearted like to avoid any connection, no one is willing to lend a helping hand. At this moment, self-critical Interest, ugly in the world in front of Emma revealed as the story unfolds. She had no way out, decided to choose the death.
Emma, that is, Madame Bovary is a tragic figure. Pursuit of her romantic love, luxury, but I do not know her environment, she will not want to. When love built on the basis of the material, on a doomed It's the tragedy of the results, no matter how the process is sinking, only one outcome. Who is she to have reached an impasse. It is the indifference of her indifferent state of helplessness, or succumb to the fate of their own, eventually led to the tragedy of Emma is perhaps a society at that time forced her to commit suicide by taking poison.
Reality and ideals will always be differences, when in reality the situation is not ideal in the same time, we should not put all comes down to fate. When we are faced with setbacks or accidents, may God give us this is the attitude adjustment. In the bustling and vanity, you may have forgotten their own positive head. But to know that they have, their access to the treasure, not a total no illusions, to result in a waste of time.
