
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/14 18:26:40
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A:Good afternoon.
B,C,D: Good afternoon.
A:How is going on today?
B:I got lots of homework and I don't know how to do it. The worst is that I need to hand up it tomorrow.
A:Oh, it's terrible!
C:It's nothing compare with mine. My teamates didn't want to work at all! They just wanted me to finish because they thought I do have that ability! What amazing persons!
A: Oh, that sounds pretty difficult. Hm...did you just talk to them?
C:I've tried but they said it was me that want high scores while they didn't.
B:And maybe they would say it's superman's ability to save the world.(讽刺)
C:You just got it.
D:Look, I have an idea. Perhaps, you will not agree with me but it's my first choice. Regard it as your own work and work on it, then never work with them.
C: But they are my friends.
A:Yes, I agree with D. They didn't perform as your friends.
C:Fine, I shall try.
B:So, can anybody give me a suggestion?
A:What is about?
B:Write an article about your happiest thing.
D:You think that difficullt?
D:Do you have anything that make you happy?
B:Unfortunately, no.
C:You are not a person that never smile.
B:But I can't write it long.
C:I get the point.
D:Yeah. The key is try to tell a person what makes you happy, remember the person knows nothing.
B:That works?
C:Yeah. Details and causes are important.
A:Come on boys. The bus is coming!
D:Oh, I should go now. See you tomorrow!
B,C:See you.