求教GRE数学:twice the square of x equals 5 more than the product of 3 and x 问:比较x和1的大小

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:00:07
求教GRE数学:twice the square of x equals 5 more than the product of 3 and x 问:比较x和1的大小
xŐ?O@ƿH*mMS 5(b D!.pDce_$Y{> Dyh҆GA㤊G*ʜCE!2 $xt[%膖%Kt (ԭW]$OCՄۅ. Б5Yq& =<З}[_b8ePf!n#Si8h~ixR :#2Wd< rCwNj}^&+iiYX ~'+2dóHXUyI%Nе ܵNM*O,+xe"HɣN/|{آ~/H<

求教GRE数学:twice the square of x equals 5 more than the product of 3 and x 问:比较x和1的大小
求教GRE数学:twice the square of x equals 5 more than the product of 3 and x 问:比较x和1的大小

求教GRE数学:twice the square of x equals 5 more than the product of 3 and x 问:比较x和1的大小
2x2=5+3x 解二次方程,(2x-5)(x+3)=0 x=5/2 or x=-3 所以答案选不确定

