It is Thursday(星期四).It's a quarter to seven in the morning.My friends and I are on our way to s1 It's a quarter to seven in the morning 2 She walks to school every day3 She often goes to jinan by piane这三句也帮我翻一下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:32:17
It is Thursday(星期四).It's a quarter to seven in the morning.My friends and I are on our way to s1 It's a quarter to seven in the morning 2 She walks to school every day3 She often goes to jinan by piane这三句也帮我翻一下
xOs@ƿ{S/˴zas~TMLܰU'8!J;s4:|K8|Iퟋ^>>Mj OyH}^krH=$xtST_ fVNE,fPL3IAuؖ,qo V aWR!4OTcuě[,4*Qذ@S$*/[dՖo2s [JnXx9P]hn/d7AHhqǜ֝G%NuKrP;%V-UϺx|]Uf7g f>VnGefX?<7N104fK7 J-ZW)+9x8>sł caMUܿ% !> ђ9Zfh bR {Kth?:j9\=p0̝{_]NpWDZ+sTQP JaȈ}c1 ͚

It is Thursday(星期四).It's a quarter to seven in the morning.My friends and I are on our way to s1 It's a quarter to seven in the morning 2 She walks to school every day3 She often goes to jinan by piane这三句也帮我翻一下
It is Thursday(星期四).It's a quarter to seven in the morning.My friends and I are on our way to s
1 It's a quarter to seven in the morning
2 She walks to school every day
3 She often goes to jinan by piane

It is Thursday(星期四).It's a quarter to seven in the morning.My friends and I are on our way to s1 It's a quarter to seven in the morning 2 She walks to school every day3 She often goes to jinan by piane这三句也帮我翻一下
1 现在是早上七点差15分钟
2 她每天步行到学校
3 她常常乘飞机去西安


1.现在是早上6:45. 或者: 现在是早上7点差15分
(piane应该是plane) 希望能帮到你!!!

