单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan.A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:33:35
单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan.A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has
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单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan.A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has
单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan.A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has

单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan.A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has
选B.原因:当sell out出现在句子中时是无被动的,但当sell单独使用,放在物后面时,是必须用被动形式的,也就是:be sold.


单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan. A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has
因为句子的主语是The house and the funiture,是两者。
谓语是were sold.sold不是没有被动时态吗sell的过去分词是sold。


单选题:The house and the funiture toghter with a car—sold for20000 yuan. A.wasB.wereC.haveD.has
因为句子的主语是The house and the funiture,是两者。
谓语是were sold.



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