she ____(give)Mary a gift last Christmas 怎麽做

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she ____(give)Mary a gift last Christmas 怎麽做
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she ____(give)Mary a gift last Christmas 怎麽做
she ____(give)Mary a gift last Christmas 怎麽做

she ____(give)Mary a gift last Christmas 怎麽做

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she ____(give)Mary a gift last Christmas 怎麽做 给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰 give Mary a call,she needs____ __给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰 give Mary a call,she needs____ ____ Mary is a ____(core) girl .She does everything___(care). Mary is very young.She can't ride a bicycle.Mary is ____ young______ ride a bicycle.保持意思一致 Mary has a fever.She ____(need) to see a doctor Mary ____(want)to be a doctor when she grows up Mary is a ____ excited. 4道单选,2道句型转换.1道汉译英.1.sam doesn'twork ____ harder had harder as c.harder like hardly2.i like to have a friend who ___ b.likeing like d.are like3.she ____ loved her ____ .he would give everythng Mary said she would__my magazine back to me in two days,A.return B.borrowC,keep D.give Give I a fork please,Mary.改错. Please give the magazine to ____(she). 1.A:I’m not tired.B:____.A.So am I.B.Neither do I.C.Neither am I.2.A:Could I speak to Mary?B:I’m sorry she ____a shower now,could you back later?A.has B.having having3.I’ll give $10 back___you B.for C.from4.There isn’t an 一道英语选择题,---Who_______ the piano?---Mary,when she ____ time.A.plays,has playing,has 34.Mary is good at writing.She will ______ ____ be a reporter in the future.(possible) Is this Mary's bag?No,____(she) is red 一提初中英语填空she ____(give)me a present,but i ____(like)it nowgave didnt动词为什么用过去试啊用 give dont 不行吗 选择适当形式填空1.Can you come with ____(I).2.The ____(pen) on the desk are hers.3.Mary is an ____(America) girl.4.She wanted ____(buy) a new pen.5.-____ she ____(teach) Maths in a school?-No,she ____ (do)6.She ____(be)born in shanghai.7.The Mary is a friend of ____(I).