英语翻译BBS的历史1978年在美国芝加哥开发出一套基于8080芯片的CBBS/Chicago(Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago),此乃最早的一套BBS系统.之后随着苹果机的问世,开发出基于苹果机的Bulletin Board System

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:50:20
英语翻译BBS的历史1978年在美国芝加哥开发出一套基于8080芯片的CBBS/Chicago(Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago),此乃最早的一套BBS系统.之后随着苹果机的问世,开发出基于苹果机的Bulletin Board System
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英语翻译BBS的历史1978年在美国芝加哥开发出一套基于8080芯片的CBBS/Chicago(Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago),此乃最早的一套BBS系统.之后随着苹果机的问世,开发出基于苹果机的Bulletin Board System
1978年在美国芝加哥开发出一套基于8080芯片的CBBS/Chicago(Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago),此乃最早的一套BBS系统.之后随着苹果机的问世,开发出基于苹果机的Bulletin Board System和大众信息系统(People,s Message System)2种BBS系统.1981年IBM个人计算机诞生时,并没有自己的BBS系统.直到1982年,Buss Lane 才用Basic语言为IBM个人计算机编写了一个原型程序.其后经过几番增修,终于在1983年通过Capital PC User Group(CPCUG)的Communication Special Interest Group会员的努力,改写出了个人计算机系统的BBS.经Thomas Mach整理后,终于完成了个人计算机的第1版BBS系统——RBBS-PC.这套BBS系统的最大特色是其源程序全部公开,有利于日后的修改和维护,因此后来在开发其他的BBS系统时都以此为框架,所以RBBS-PC赢得了BBS鼻祖的美称.
但在当时,如何实现站与站之间的联系问题并未解决.1984年美国的Tom Jonning开发了一套具有电子功能的电子公告板程序FIDO.由于该软件具有站际连线和自动互传信息的功能,所以站际间彼此可以在一个共同的预定时间传送电子邮件,使得BBS网络化有了一线生机.
大约是从1991年开始,国内开始了第一个BBS站.经过长时间的发展,直到1995年,随着计算机及其外设的大幅降价,BBS才逐渐被人们所认识.1996年更是以惊人的速度发展起来.国内的BBS站,按其性质划分,可以分为2种:一种是商业BBS站,如新华龙讯网;另一种是业余BBS站,如天堂资讯站.由于使用商业BBS站要交纳一笔费用,而商业站所能提供的服务与业余站相比,并没有什么优势,所以其用户数量不多.多数业余BBS站的站长,基于个人关系,每天都互相交换电子邮件,渐渐地形成了一个全国性的电子邮件网络China FidoNet(中国惠多网).于是,各地的用户都可以通过本地的业余BBS站与远在异地的网友互通信息.这种跨地域电子邮件交流正是商业站无法与业余站相抗衡的根本因素.由于业余BBS站拥有这种优势,所以使用者都更乐意加入.这里“业余”2字,并不是代表这种类型的BBS站的服务和技术水平是业余的,而是指这类BBS站的性质.一般BBS站都是由志愿者开发的.他们付出的不仅是金钱,更多的是精力.其目的是为了推动中国计算机网络的健康发展,提高广大计算机用户的应用水平.

英语翻译BBS的历史1978年在美国芝加哥开发出一套基于8080芯片的CBBS/Chicago(Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago),此乃最早的一套BBS系统.之后随着苹果机的问世,开发出基于苹果机的Bulletin Board System
BBS history
1978 in Chicago developed a chip based on the 8080 CBBS / Chicago (Computerized Bulletin Board System / Chicago), which is the first of a set of BBS systems. With the Mac after the birth, development-based Mac to the Bulletin Board System and the public information system (People, s Message System) 2种BBS system. 1981 IBM personal computer was born, and does not have its own BBS system. Until 1982, Buss Lane Basic language used only for the IBM personal computer to prepare a prototype. After repeated subsequently amended, and finally in 1983 through the Capital PC User Group (CPCUG) of the Communication Special Interest Group Member of the efforts to rewrite the personal computer system BBS. By Thomas Mach finished, and finally completed the personal computer version of a BBS system - RBBS-PC. The BBS system is the best characteristics of all of its open source and is conducive to future modification and maintenance, the other later in the development of BBS systems are as a framework, so RBBS-PC BBS won the originator's reputation.
But at the time, how to stop the links between the station and did not solve the problem. 1984 Tom Jonning the United States has developed a set of electronic features of the electronic bulletin board procedures FIDO. As the software is the occasion of stations and automatic connection to each other information, so the inter-station in a mutually shared the scheduled time to send email, making a first-line BBS network of vitality.
BBS development so far, the world's amateur BBS network in addition to FidoNet (multi-network), several more were known EggNet, AlterNet and RBBS-Net, and so on. As these networks and the exchange of information between FidoNet not be a problem, which has the so-called inter-network.
BBS in China
From about 1991, China began the first BBS stations. After a long period of development until 1995, with computers and peripherals of the substantial price cuts, BBS gradually being recognized. 1996 is more developed at an alarming rate. Domestic BBS stations, by their nature, can be divided into two kinds: One is the commercial BBS stations, such as the new Hualong's network; other is the amateur BBS stations, such as information kiosks paradise. As the use of commercial BBS stations to pay a fee, and the commercial stations can offer service stations compared with the Amateur, and there is no advantage, so the small number of its customers. Most amateur BBS station director, based on personal relations, to exchange e-mail every day, gradually forming a national network of e-mail China FidoNet (China-on multiple networks). Thus, throughout the user can, through local amateur BBS stations in remote and far from the netizens exchange information. Such cross-boundary commercial e-mail exchange station is unable to contend with the Amateur Station and the fundamental factors. Because amateur BBS stations have this advantage, so users are more willing to join. Here, "amateur" characters, is not representative of this type of BBS and technical services at the amateur level, but that the nature of such BBS stations. General BBS stations are developed by volunteers. They not only pay the money, is more energy. The purpose is to promote China's healthy development of the computer network, raising the level of application of computer users.

The BBS history develops out a set of 8080 chips-based CBBS/Chicago (Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago) in USA Chicago in 1978 , this is indeed the earliest set of BBS system. Afterwards with...


The BBS history develops out a set of 8080 chips-based CBBS/Chicago (Computerized Bulletin Board System/Chicago) in USA Chicago in 1978 , this is indeed the earliest set of BBS system. Afterwards with apple machine coming out, (People developing out apple machine-based Bulletin Board System and masses information system , s Message System) 2 kinds BBS system. And when the IBM personal computer comes into being in 1981, do not have self BBS system.And when the IBM personal computer comes into being in 1981, do not have self BBS system. Until Buss Lane uses Basic Language to be an IBM personal computer just now in 1982, have compiled and composed a prototype procedure. Construct process increasing several time afterwards, the effort finally in the Communication Special Interest Group member who passes Capital PC User Group (CPCUG) in 1983, switches over to have white out individual computer system BBS. By that Thomas Mach arranges the queen,have finally accomplished 1 page BBS system RBBS-PC of personal computer.This set of systematic maximal BBS characteristics are whose source programs all open , beneficial to in the future modification and upkeep, be developing therefore afterwards other laudatory title taking this as frame, therefore RBBS-PC has won BBS earliest ancestor time BBS system.
How but realize connection problem and not solve between the station and the station on that time. In 1984 American Tom Jonning has developed a set of electron announcement board procedure FIDO having the electron function. Each other can transmit an email in a common predetermined time mutually including the line and the automation since that software has station time therefore biography information function, standing for time, feasible BBS beta-network-rization having had a feeble thread of life.
BBS develops amateurish BBS is so far , at present in the world network besides except FidoNet (the favor is many net) , EggNet , AlterNet several draw having a serious trial with utensil notability there are still RBBS-Net and so on. Since the information exchange between these networks and FidoNet is unquestionable,have been realizing so-called striding over right now catches with a net.
BBS has been to begin from 1991 approximately in China , has started the first BBS stations in the homeland. Process developing for a long time, until BBS is known that by people just now gradually with computer and their wide price-reducing that the outside sets up in 1995,. 1996 is to develop with surprising rapidity more. Domestic BBS stands , divides according to whose character, can be 2 kinds mark: One kind is that commerce BBS stands, if Xinhua dragon message net; Another one kind is that amateur BBS stands, if Heaven information stands. But need to pay a sum of cost since using commerce BBS to stand, service can provide by commerce station compared with amateur station, and has no advantage, therefore whose consumer quantity is not many.Amateur BBS station head of a station, concerns majority owing to individual , exchanges an email each other , has formed a countrywide email network China FidoNet gradually (the Chinese favor is many net) every day. Thereupon, everywhere consumer all can stand by local amateur BBS and the cyber acquaintance far away in strange land communicates information. This strides over the region email exchanging the basic factor exactly being that the commerce station has no way to contend with amateur standing posture. Because the amateur BBS station owns this advantage , a user is happy to put in all more.Here, 2 "amateurish" characters , service and engineering level being really not that BBS representing this type's stands are amateurish, but are to point to this kind of BBS station character. That general BBS stands all is development by the volunteer. That they pay is that money, is more not only is energy. Whose purpose is that the health for the computer network driving China develops, application level raising the extensive computer.
